yes, also a beader with a needing hand :)


New Member
Jun 13, 2020

I recived today fresh waters true etsy.
The colour tread light pink. I always use griffin nylon power with needle.
But which clasp should i use?

I can't order with Rio grande, to much shippingcost and high tax.

Thank you!

Ps on my beading board several projects: 2 mala's and a reparation baby necklace with pearls and agate.
You could try Wendy at Pearlescence for findings. She is in the UK, so shipping would most likely be less costly. Looks like you have some lovely projects going there.
How fun to see what you're working on, Rianne! Your new pink pearls are so pretty and I'm sure you'd like to wear them right away. Perhaps you have a little worn necklace or bracelet with a clasp could be "borrowed from" and used until you find your perfect clasp. Or if you have a couple of jump rings, you could put one on each end and tie a ribbon through. Another thought would be to add enough beads to make a strand you could slip over your head, just as a temporary way to enjoy wearing your new pearls.

The strand knots with a simpel rose sterling silver clasp. I had this one in storage.
Next week i want to order a few at pearlescens to see which one i like with these powder pink pealrs

A new one, metallic grey fwp. And with the pink threat. The clasp is way too small for putting the pearls on yourself.