So many questions from a newbie on the prowl


New Member
May 7, 2018
Hi, all!

I'm a frequent jewelry-making dabbler who has her hands in all kinds of things. Usually my creations wind up in the hands of friends and family, or more frequently, in my own collection or as part of a costume I've put together. Last year while vacationing for the first time in Kauai, I tripped across a store that sold all kinds of artistic jewelry, including pieces with Tahitians... I picked myself up a hand-braided choker with a large Tahitian in the center and tiny labradorite and gold beads, and I admit it: I've been hooked on Tahitians since and have been trying to put together my own pieces. Fast forward to finding this lovely site, a couple purchases from Kojima, Rio Grande and Gempacked, and several hues of Beader's Secret... and I'm off and running! Will have some photos of what I've created so far up shortly - two necklaces and a pair of earrings - with a few more in the works.

In short, help me I'm hooked on Tahitians and I can't stop buying them and planning all kinds of projects XD I have a few questions that I've run across, and I'm hoping you lovely folk will have some time for me!

In terms of purchasing: is it better/more cost-effective to buy strands if you have multiple projects, or just collect loose as you find them? (I've done loose up 'til this point because I'm still getting my feet under me with where to source, and I have to say Sarah has been *lovely*).

Should all Tahitians be strung on thread, or is using sterling/Argentium silver as wire-wrapping OK for them?

Do you tend to prefer half-drilling baroques and using pearl pegs for designs, or have you used them as accent pieces full-drilled?

For those of you who get hooked like me, is eventually doing Etsy a good way to recoup some of the cost? (I don't want to do it full-time, but on a hobby basis, it's my jam.. but ugh what an expensive hobby :D )

I'm excited about all this experimentation, and I'm looking forward to spending more time on here and getting to know folks!
Hi Jesskat,

Yes, I'd agree most of us are in love with Tahitians also! Such an amazing variety they offer! I look forward to seeing your creations!
Wire-wrapping absolutely works well with Tahitians also, whether using silver, gold filled or karat gold wire. Thanks very much for having a go with Beader's Secret thread! Usually your design dictates whether you want pearls half-drilled or full drilled.

As for Etsy, you just have to give it a try. They are raising rates there. Etsy has lots of tutorials and info for setting up a shop. You will still have to be the person to drive the marketing. It can be fun!
I agree with Katbran. There are lots of shops with NO sales. Figure out how you will market your items. Just posting them won't just draw customers.
pattye, katbran, lilliefuzzysocks - thank you guys so much for replying <3 My background is in design and marketing, so I totally understand the marketing aspect of a business... and it's actually why I'm reluctant on Etsy, because I know that side of things is extremely time-consuming! And then you have awesome sellers like Patty who include handwritten notes with each purchase (I *love* that you do that, by the way) - it's the little touches.

I'm glad to hear wire wrapping won't hurt Tahitians. They're investment enough that I don't want to screw it up, as I'm trying to stuff all the learning in my head that I can... I know I'll inevitably make mistakes but I want to make sure I make as few as possible ;) I already made one by not wearing a silicone back with the earring pair I made from two of my Kojima pearls... and lost one :( :( first wear and everything, and three weeks later I'm *still* bummed.

One of the pieces I put together for a friend...

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Both pearls are from Kojima, on argentium silver rolo, with a white gold/diamond slip connector in the middle. I love how this one came out.


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How distressing to lose that earring, and so soon! (Not that it would have felt any better to lose it later.)

Maybe leverback earring findings would be safer for you than hooks? Or maybe a heavier gauge wire for the hooks? The only hook earring I lost was made from very thin gauge wire.