Hi, all!
I'm a frequent jewelry-making dabbler who has her hands in all kinds of things. Usually my creations wind up in the hands of friends and family, or more frequently, in my own collection or as part of a costume I've put together. Last year while vacationing for the first time in Kauai, I tripped across a store that sold all kinds of artistic jewelry, including pieces with Tahitians... I picked myself up a hand-braided choker with a large Tahitian in the center and tiny labradorite and gold beads, and I admit it: I've been hooked on Tahitians since and have been trying to put together my own pieces. Fast forward to finding this lovely site, a couple purchases from Kojima, Rio Grande and Gempacked, and several hues of Beader's Secret... and I'm off and running! Will have some photos of what I've created so far up shortly - two necklaces and a pair of earrings - with a few more in the works.
In short, help me I'm hooked on Tahitians and I can't stop buying them and planning all kinds of projects XD I have a few questions that I've run across, and I'm hoping you lovely folk will have some time for me!
In terms of purchasing: is it better/more cost-effective to buy strands if you have multiple projects, or just collect loose as you find them? (I've done loose up 'til this point because I'm still getting my feet under me with where to source, and I have to say Sarah has been *lovely*).
Should all Tahitians be strung on thread, or is using sterling/Argentium silver as wire-wrapping OK for them?
Do you tend to prefer half-drilling baroques and using pearl pegs for designs, or have you used them as accent pieces full-drilled?
For those of you who get hooked like me, is eventually doing Etsy a good way to recoup some of the cost? (I don't want to do it full-time, but on a hobby basis, it's my jam.. but ugh what an expensive hobby
I'm excited about all this experimentation, and I'm looking forward to spending more time on here and getting to know folks!
I'm a frequent jewelry-making dabbler who has her hands in all kinds of things. Usually my creations wind up in the hands of friends and family, or more frequently, in my own collection or as part of a costume I've put together. Last year while vacationing for the first time in Kauai, I tripped across a store that sold all kinds of artistic jewelry, including pieces with Tahitians... I picked myself up a hand-braided choker with a large Tahitian in the center and tiny labradorite and gold beads, and I admit it: I've been hooked on Tahitians since and have been trying to put together my own pieces. Fast forward to finding this lovely site, a couple purchases from Kojima, Rio Grande and Gempacked, and several hues of Beader's Secret... and I'm off and running! Will have some photos of what I've created so far up shortly - two necklaces and a pair of earrings - with a few more in the works.
In short, help me I'm hooked on Tahitians and I can't stop buying them and planning all kinds of projects XD I have a few questions that I've run across, and I'm hoping you lovely folk will have some time for me!
In terms of purchasing: is it better/more cost-effective to buy strands if you have multiple projects, or just collect loose as you find them? (I've done loose up 'til this point because I'm still getting my feet under me with where to source, and I have to say Sarah has been *lovely*).
Should all Tahitians be strung on thread, or is using sterling/Argentium silver as wire-wrapping OK for them?
Do you tend to prefer half-drilling baroques and using pearl pegs for designs, or have you used them as accent pieces full-drilled?
For those of you who get hooked like me, is eventually doing Etsy a good way to recoup some of the cost? (I don't want to do it full-time, but on a hobby basis, it's my jam.. but ugh what an expensive hobby

I'm excited about all this experimentation, and I'm looking forward to spending more time on here and getting to know folks!