Women in power II: a new wave of pearl fashion?

I am not sure if I will get a response. *sniff* I got the first one because their blood was riled up and I forgot the link. But nothing since. Of course, it has only been 24 hours, but a nice thank you wuld be nice. But really, rather than a thank you, I would prefer an insiders view into what happened. lol If only I could get a gossipy Mikimoto employee. In a couple days I will write to inquire, and if I hear anything, I will let you all know.


PS that's if I am not in the hospital bringing forth my own little pearl. Due date June 17th.:D
PS that's if I am not in the hospital bringing forth my own little pearl. Due date June 17th.:D

Very exciting! Now that we have our other stuff forum, please share photos of your little pearl. :)
Hi all.

Well, I never heard back from Mikimoto about the article I alerted them to (see above), but I did got to the mainstreet.com site and checked the article. A lot of it has been rewritten and reference to Miki has been removed. So I guess they must have at least threatened action to get the change, but I didn't see any retraction or apology for the mistake. But to tell the truth, I didn't really look. But at least now they are referring to cultured pearls and fakes as different items, so that's good.

On the baby front, still no progress. I am hoping for this next week(I will enter week 41 on Tuesday). It's hard not to be disappointed, but then I remember that pearls that stay in the water longer have a more beautiful nacre, so maybe it's true my for my little pearl too. Just as long as he hurries up now. lol
Thanks for the update, Salem,

Seems like nobody apologizes anymore--they just say "oops, my bad" ---or takes time to say an appropriate thank you--but you know you did a good thing. Hummm, we certainly don't want your little pearl to turn into a ruby!!! Sending all good thoughts your way!

so many pearls, so little time

Hi Salem,
The best things are worth waiting for....
Good luck and best wishes for next week, or whenever ....:)
Me, I'm eagerly awaiting my first grandchild - due in two weeks.

Good work on getting that article revised, too.
Thank you.
Hi Salem - wishing you warm thoughts from Australia for your new pearl. The waiting gets SOOO hard, though - keep your spirits up! Can't wait to see some photos!

Sueki - lucky you - all the best for your family in these last few weeks, too!
I want to go back post #42 from gravityalwayswins....about wearing pearls with less traditional outfits.

It is very common here in the deep south -- Atlanta -- to see pearls on women wearing sun dresses, casual outfits and occasionally even shorts.

The Lilly Pulitzer crowd loves to wear pearls with Lilly dresses.
They look good, don' they?

lilly pearls 2.jpg

lilly pearls 1.jpg
Sorry, I was away for a couple of weeks and did not check the forum regularly, so I am late with responding.

Richipat, it is not only in the deep south - I also noticed that pearls become a common element of the summer outfit here in Europe. Just sitting at an EU meeting and watching somebody in a very casual summer outfit with a textile rucksack (which by itself is quite a trend - imagine, a really formal meeting!) - and with beautiful pearls on the neck. Quite real, not fake, not from the supermarket. Good quality stuff.

Salem, good luck with the baby!
Sueki, I understand your sentiments: my older son is getting married in September and my first thought is - I want grandchildren! asap!!!
The Lilly Pulitzer crowd loves to wear pearls with Lilly dresses.
They look good, don' they?

I LOVE the look of the varied length 3-strand with the sundress. It looks so classy yet comfortable! Wow!
Ya! For some reason, these multiple 'graduates' are everywhere... and this is a new thing.

I wonder if something about the way loose pearls are sold suddenly tilted the balance in favor of the style :rolleyes: (inconsistent size matching in freshwater hanks; mounting price differential on size for the nucleated pearls, that sort of thing)...
Another NCP (nacre covered/coated politician)
Julia Tymoszenko, Priminister of Ukraina

and a few years earlier.


Is it a pearl pendant or a pearl button below the collar?
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She is lovely! A classic beauty! Can't help thinking all that hair weighs a lot! My guess is a faux pearl button under the collar, just my opinion-----

so many pearls, so little time
Maria Kaczy?ska.jpg
Maria Helena Kaczyńska

Today we watched the very moving pageantry of the funeral of the Polish President Lech Alexander Kaczynski and his wife Maria. They died ten days ago in a plane crash together with ninety-five of the Polish leadership and flight crew on Russian soil, on their way to a memorial of the Soviet slaughter of over twenty-two thousand Poles at Katyn seventy years ago.

He worked all his life for a free and independent Poland, but also sought to rebuild the ties between the Jewish and Polish peoples - which brought me as his guest to the Presidential Palace in Warsaw.

The First Lady, Maria Kaczyńska - and this is my excuse for bringing this to the forum - was an aficionado of pearls and was hardly ever seen without them. I was told that a rosary of pearls had been placed in her coffin.
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It was sad that so many people in the gov't were killed, too. It's like a 90fold tragedy. I hope the country can recover quickly.

Nice tidbit about Maria Helena Kaczyńska's love of pearls...