Wisconsin Pearl History...Once the capital of natural pearls


Sep 11, 2007
I finally sat down to add Wisconsin pearl history URL's ....All information stemming from coauthor of Spring Article 2012. I'll try to load actual URL
URl was not permitted to copy until newer quarterly issues have been printed. $$


If you go to this site you will see the Spring issue of the pearl article....If you email me I can send a hard copy for $5 for shipping...pearl-man@ameritech.net---or pearl-man@att.net... I tested it and it works....Norm


"This issue includes articles on the 19th-century freshwater pearl rush on the Sugar River, photographer Wilmer Schlafer's images of Appleton at the turn of the 20th century, Nathan Myrick and frontier La Crosse, and Chinese Americans and race relations in Milwaukee in the 1880s." copied from Wis. Historical Soc. Website.

I have all good intentions of adding information especially about a pearl dealer of the late 1800's and early 1900's from McGregor,Iowa..

***Editorial comment for all the "big city folks" this was the world center of pearls. Future articles, IF ADDED, AND I DONT FORGET, will substantiate that. Clamming is
illegal in Wis and Minn and only 50 lbs of clams in Miss. River per day (one 5 gal bucket 20L )

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Thanks so much.....The older I get the busier I am. Making toys again...along with 30 others....1000 toys....
Found some interesting information on pearl dealer of Iowa....more to follow....kick me if I forget, PLEASE....