Will join you shortly


New Member
Dec 21, 2015
I've always been a DIY person, so I've decided it would be silly not to delve into making a few things involving my beloved pearls. As always, I've bitten off a huge hunk and will be chewing on it for some time, I think.

So I've ordered some Tahitians from Jac on Etsy (seems to be a well-regarded supplier from the posts here). I've ordered Beader's Secret, gimp, needles, etc. from Pattye. I've ordered a couple of books and some tools from sites that you've recommended. I've viewed Caitlin's classic stringing video and a couple of others on You Tube.

But here came a whole 4-day weekend to think about all this, so I rummaged around in the garage for pliers, went to the sporting goods store for fishing line, Michael's for needles and craft wire and dug into my junk jewelry drawer for stuff to practice on. So yesterday I re-strung an inexpensive freshwater pearl necklace that my mother brought back from a tour in China in the '80s. I forgot to leave unknotted pearls at the end, so threw in a couple of amethyst beads.

Then I got to working on some lapis beads (boulders?) that my brother gave me. As a necklace, they tended to suffocate me with their weight. I dipped my toe in the water with wire wrapping. Note: do not use husband's auto tools after the new ones come in.

I inserted some amethyst beads to give it a bit of contrast and length and voila! Looks like something I could have brought back from summer camp, but now I have the bug and the confidence that I can tackle pearl projects in the future. With your expert assistance, of course!


Happy 4th, y'all!!!
Wow, nice tight knots on the first try, and such evenly-sized little loops of wire. You're a natural at this!

I used to forget to leave unknotted pearls at the end, too, so now I section off the last 4 pearls with a spring-clip to remind me to stop knotting.
Thanks, Pearl Dreams. Caitlin lives on in her video; her Legacy continues!!!

Indeed, I'm looking forward to lots of mistakes and re-dos. But I'll never be lost with the host of supporters here ☺️
Redos are part of life when you have pearls. Even the strands I strung with Power Pro and Serafil (polyester thread from Pattye) eventually need to be restrung, the more quickly if they are larger, heavier pearls. I make tight knots, but I suspect the force of gravity just tightens the knots even more, resulting in little gaps eventually appearing.
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I find restringing my pearls is very addicting. Good job!
Welcome to the wonderful world of knotting and wiring! And redos really are part of the fun. I've done a few already and have m Ts under construction right now. They are getting a little shorter and I'm replacing a few of the pearls in the back with better ones.
You did an amazing job on both pieces, I can't believe this was your first go at knotting and wire wrapping. Very impressive!