Who wants to go to visit Kamoka in Tahiti????

Pattye, I am so happy for the gift tickets you received!

CathyKeishi, I too admire your technique, and think you should immediately be snapped up by the Foreign Office and replace one (or more) of our diplomats.

Good Luck to all!
Well, Narcissa, I could use a bit of cash in the pearl budget .... send the Foreign Office right over LOL :) Looks like tickets are still for sale ...
Just checked the website this morning and I'm wondering why they're still selling tickets on Dec 2nd?
well.... I guess they have probably notified the winner and it's not me. So, hopefully someone else here is the lucky winner!!
well even though bo said it was on the website, i can't find it. the winner is....Marlene Wadsworth of Pick-a-Pearl. He says she's a 30-year pearl lover, so definitely someone deserving.

not as deserving as me, but still. ;) yay!
Well, I'm glad she's a pearl lover...

Maybe next year for one of us.

Thanks for letting us know we can unpack our bags now, juliebeth.
Hmmm ... congratulations to the winner ... going off to think about the best way to break this to the hubby LOL ...
And to think he could have spent the night at the casino!
Marlene. Pick-A-Pearl. Sigh. Well, congratulations, Marlene. :-) !!!!

(Can you tell we're jealous, Marlene?)
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A pick-a-pearl seller? What will happen after becoming Kamoka-ized? eco-pick-a-pearl-Tahitians? Wouldn't that be cool!
Clever idea! Probably a tough concept to market, however, translating the expense of a Tahitian to pick-a-pearl. Aren't even the Tahitian keshi expensive?

I have a pick-a-pearl, btw. My neighbors brought a couple back from one of their trips, and I got one for watching their dogs (&missing a local gem show). Hell of a genius marketing concept, wasn't it?