White SS earrings

Whew! You own some amazing pearls Cathy. I've enjoyed reading and drooling over your posts & pictures these last couple years.
Well done, well done. :-)
This picture gives a view with the head in between. :)


  • SS earrings 10-7-13.jpg
    SS earrings 10-7-13.jpg
    5.3 KB · Views: 85
Very nice!!!

DK :)
Just right size-wise and so beautiful. You'll never get tired of those pearls. :)
Okay, next time we team up to pearl shop* I will whisper continuously in your ear 'shipping is expensive!'

*v soon hopefully
Baby SS earrings

Baby SS earrings

Cathy, your earrings are stunning, and you found the perfect fit for those findings you'd been saving.

I hope you don't mind my piggybacking on this thread, but while you were having PP set a pair of white SS pearls with your own settings, I was doing the same! They do not have the wow factor of your pearls (or settings), but are perfect for me, as I get self-conscious about too-large earrings. :-) They are 6-7mm SS keshi, which Hisano collected for her little h line. I am very glad she was willing to part with a pair! I got to see pictures of the other large SS pairs (after you had chosen yours), and they are beautiful - amazing luster and, from the pictures, flawless.

Hope you're enjoying your earrings as much as I am mine!

wild onion,
Your earrings are so elegant. It's as if I can see through the pearl, like liquid nacre, from the ear shot. The findings repeat the fluidity of the pearls themselves. Thank you for sharing. It's good that both of us are enjoying our earrings. Can you share the source of your findings?
Wild Onion (good name lol ) Very elegant setting on those long pearls , well suited . (love the avatar photo too )

omg Wendy .. I swear I'm taking a list next time lol It's just too darn easy to get sidetracked looking at all those pearls !

And now that we've spent page 4 on everything BUT Cathy's absolutely fabulous earrings ( seriously I would wrestle you to the ground and pluck them from your ears and be on the first plane back to Australia I love them so much.. so watch your back... or your ears... ) ... back to the glorious topic ! Those findings are really really beautiful and those pearls... I went online and had a look .. I was so tempted but unfortunately one of my dogs got sick and two days and $2,000 later... no earrings for me !
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Cathy - what lustrous pearls and very lovely findings!

Wildonion - 6-7mm is the length of the keshi or the width?

Love both of your new earrings! Wear them in good health..