White metallics?

When seeing that quality of white FW, I really wonder if the australian pearls have still " long days ahead" ... comparing the price, the quality, the size ...
as time goes by the quality of FW increase so much ...
This is Mary's strand!

View attachment 11459

It came in a batch of whites earlier in the month. We had set it aside but I couldn't find it when she first emailed me. It looks like Caitlin's. It has that perfect mirror metallic shine with intense orient.

Is it very rare with these type of white mirror metallic FW pearls? Do you have any picture of this strand next to for example a Freshadama strand?
Of course I'm sure the Freshadamas are absolutely stunning... but there's just something about the thought of white metallics that makes me go oooooooohh ^^

Crystal, have you received your strand yet? What is the size of these beauties? How is it in person? :D
I am not usually into white pearls (except earrings) but metallic white is totally different thing. I have got gorgeous copper gold metallic necklace from PP and I would really consider getting a good metallic white as well if it did come across.

Please post pictures of your necklace! ;)

Still sighing with pea-green soul...what size are the pearls, BTW? Holding my breath, also turning a little blue-in-the-face along with the green streak.
The pearls are small (6.5-7mm) which is exactly what I was looking for since I want to be able to get lots of wear out of them! Being only 24, I love the look of larger pearls but find they look too mature on me a lot of the time.

Unfortunately I haven't gotten the strand yet- I asked Jeremy to send them to a friend of mine in the US since she was going to send a parcel out to me (silly I know... now I have to wait :( ) But the last few things that I was having shipped to her took a little longer than expected to arrive...

The good part is that they will be on their way to me from Monday!! I might have to ask her to ship via Global Express just so I can get them here ASAP hehe

I can't wait to see them in person! Been keeping my multi-coloured exotic metallics out lately just so I can try to imagine what the white metallics may look like in real life... which is really very distracting since I'm meant to be studying for some killer exams!!
They have arrived.... and I am in love!! :D

THANK YOU to Jeremy and his team- the staff at Pearl Paradise are amazing as usual and the pearls are absolutely gorgeous! I own a mikimoto pendant and, placing that next to the pearls, couldn't actually see any obvious difference to my untrained eye in terms of lustre. The only difference is that the Mikimoto pearl has an obvious pink overtone (it is a pinked akoya afterall...) while my white metallics have an equally sharp lustre as well as obvious green blue and a little bit of pink orient which comes and goes as the pearls are moved!

I love them and will try to take pictures soon- though there's no way that my pics will be able to do them justice! Just got home from a trip so it may take awhile but just... WOW :)
:rolleyes:Oh, My Sweet Lord, she's 24 - and she has the pearls!! (moan) Oh, kill me, kill me now...

I'll be on my knees doing double-penance for being green, and at this time of year too!

Well, at least she has the right spirit for being a pearl girl. That squeee proved her membership in the club, didn't it? Although that Miki remark was kinda dicey:rolleyes:,

Her squeeeee
that we heard through the floor,
That squeeee kinda opened the door
to our hearts
(You know, to the song Let my love open the door, to your heart)

Grin - so much fun to share the joy, thanks for the details! Cool Beans!:cool::D
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awww lisa I hope you can find a strand too!! I know I am very very lucky to have gotten my hands on these! It's true that most girls my age aren't really into pearls yet- guess I have a headstart on them! :D I'd prefer my single strand of pearls over the multiple costume jewellery necklaces and bracelets they own any day!

Here are a few photos- of course, they don't do the pearls any justice at all. Still- I tried! Have also included a few pics with the Miki pearl for comparison's sake :) I have no idea what the specs are on it tbh- it was purchased at the boutique in Ginza (Tokyo) as a graduation gift. Didn't really know anything about pearls at the time!


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Why, thank you Pattye, I love to make you laugh! No coffee up the nose, I hope. So, Pattye, you have a little old lady living with you now? I assume you helped her back into her chair after she tipped it over laughing...

Crystal, you did a terrific job with the photos, and they look beautiful on you. Thanks for taking and posting them so quickly. You saved this little old lady hours of down time, passed out from holding my breath with anticipation.

You can't fall in love with pearls too early in life, there's no such-a thing! You've definitely shown wisdom beyond your years and peers by choosing pearls (ooooo, I'm revealing too much. A Pearl Snob was channeling through me, yeah, that's the ticket)

Oh, yes, I mean to get my strand one day, but not just one; white, and lemon yellow - 2 or 3, or - oh, who can choose! One of each color, for the Decision-Making-Impaired (ME!). Oh, heck throw in one of the mixed colors, too. Meantime, I'll get plenty of vicarious enjoyment. I just loved your squeeeeeee-ing! It's such a complete descriptor, and it put a big grin on my face.
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Holy moly! I have been away for months! I was getting all sorts of warnings on my Mac about malware on this site... this is the first time I haven't gotten the warning. Who knows what was up with that- but obviously the site has changed a bit in my absence.

Crystal- your metallics are gorgeous!

I'll have to keep searching for a strand- I decided to wait a while. My Hanadamas will have to suffice for now! :-D
Oh, oh, my! Those are stunning!!! I love that, even though I only get to reading updates sporadically these days (dang work!!), gorgeous gems like this are here. It's never too early to wear real pearls. Congrats on a truly stunning strand! :)