Which overtone to choose?

I just ordered a coordinating ring from Pearl Paradise to complement the earrings and necklace! It's a white gold band, green overtone, 10.0-11.0mm diameter. I asked for the bluest-greenest one they've got, even if it means dropping down a millimeter. For reference, the earrings are 11.15 millimeters. They are some big honking weights on my lobes and I couldn't be happier with them. I expect the stock image of the ring to be very close to the one I actually receive:

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Really well done re colors against your skintones! What size pearls for the necklace? The link goes to the PP home page for me, not the necklace.
Wow! Gorgeous pearls! I love your strand. Wear it in the best of health. You look stunning in them!
What a beautiful 'wearing your pearls' shot, you and your pearls are one great look! Enjoy!
Can't wait to see the next purchase on you.
Sorry for the lag; things have been busy, but I love me my new ring! :o The pearls in the necklace are I think about 9.0-12.0mm.

I know how iPhones are, they enhance color and luster especially with the HiDef feature on, bringing out things that don't always pop out to the eyes alone. Delightful and frustrating as a camera, but I'm grateful for it.

When you just look at your pearls, what do you see? Do you see the bands of color easily? Or is it as renna described? I've only seen Tahitians at SAMs club, and there isn't a lot of variety for learning purposes.
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Yep, gotta love the iPhone cameras for pics like this! Happily, the striations of color in the pearls are noticeable enough that I often pull them out from my neck just to admire the different tones. :o
Hi Katbran! Oh yes, I love mine and its camera. When it's set on high definition and auto flash though, it really juices up pearl photos, optimizes color and luster sometimes beyond what the eye registers. Without high def, and auto flash, the pearls are tricky and seem less than they are.

I'm still learning how to use the camera feature. For instance, even in the shade slightly after high noon the picture is different depending upon whether the sun is behind or in front of the camera. If it's behind the camera you get a more realistic pic of the pearls.

perhaps you're remembering Boo? She's the first person I heard mention that the iPhone was showing the pearls as better than eyesight revealed. Her pictures are why I chose iPhone.

oh, never mind. You said on another forum, and Boo was/is here.
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