Where to purchase wholesale Akoya round Pearls at least AA+

Thank you all for your kind words of wisdom. I have watched so many pearl parties on Facebook and I started to do my research. I thought it would be another source of income. I mean if you stop and think about it.... Buy 100 oysters for let's say $300 and sell them for $20 each during these live parties on FB that's some major bucks. However, I am one to research every single aspect. Knowing what I know now I will not be participating in this. It makes my stomach turn just thinking about it.

So how does one keep others from getting taken? I reached out to one of the ladies that does a FB "show" who says these pearls listed are 100% Akoya pearls. I, referenced her here and I was just given the well that's not where I get my pearls from, a friend of a friend of a realities who live overseas. How can we educate people on what this really is? It's just hard for me to sweep this under the rug.

Your "friend" knows. The money is good. I started a facebook page and it has been going around. https://www.facebook.com/PearlPartyEducation -feel free to share.
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Wow, interesting how all the negative comments come from people who share pearl party videos on their facebook pages....but then claim to have no interest or stake. And the poor jewelers who have to be tactful about perceived value. Because people are prone to blaming the messenger for news they don't want to hear.

Edit: I wonder if the page might have more credibility if people might be willing to highlight their credentials and how they have expertise in this area. Might stop the random google searches that result in clearly fake information (like that Akoyas can be these wildly artificial colors).

Arrg. I looked at it more closely. She's actually misquoting Pearl Paradise (or more accurately, saying that the dyed black Akoya on the PP Akoya pearl info page is a natural color).
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Thanks Pattye :) -almost at 700 visits
I am actually considering making it a no-post page. It seems most who are posting have an axe to grind, and becomes an annoying back and forth. I would direct people here with questions (or maybe not, feel free to let me know your preferences !). Seems once they get here and look around it lends credibility.

I love helping people but we have a few folks that don't appreciate the page. Only a matter of time before people have posts up that are crude or over the line and I cannot babysit. I don't want a Jerry Springer level of drama. nope.

I am considering locking the page to comments.

What do you all think?
I could start with Dave's wonderful article and then post "wall of shame" items.

"Edit: I wonder if the page might have more credibility if people might be willing to highlight their credentials and how they have expertise in this area. Might stop the random google searches that result in clearly fake information (like that Akoyas can be these wildly artificial colors)."

CMD, I would be thrilled if anyone wants to be on the page "line up" for credentials...PG established admin volunteers are welcome.
Lock it. Delete the malcontents.

Make it no-post, but continue adding updates and links to sites. Use hashtags when other scam posts appear on FB.

There's no point in herding cats.
Shared on my biz page and had 51 views! It would be fine with me if you decided to lock the page. It would be a full time job or more trying to monitor everything.

Happy to offer my credential; GIA Graduate Pearls Diploma. (Patricia Saab Designs)

Thanks so much, Pattye! I have locked the page down and will return to clean up when I have time in the next few days (work is in full swing at the moment).
Thanks for all your efforts, moneymeister! I have noticed on open pages how some people can really go off on a tangent. Wise to close to the comments from malcontents and nuts.
Thank you again momeymeister; and as Dave said, no need to herd cats nor help people advertise their own misinformation by challenging your truth.
I am not on Facebook, but if any of your Facebook page readers should happen to visit this thread, I would like to direct them to some good, informative books about pearls:

Pearl Buying Guide: How to Identify and Evaluate Pearls and Pearl Jewelry , by Renee Newman
This is the 5th edition, the most recent:

Pearls, by Elisabeth Strack

Thanks, when I get back to work on the page I will share.
I just finished reading this very long thread. I'm sorry to say, I bought over a $1,000 usd of these fakes. I was researching the best way to get into this business (as advertised) to have fun and make a little extra cash. As the research progress, I accidentally clicked this forum, and discovered how stupidly and blindly I fell for something that seemed like a lot of fun! I'm an educated person, a nurse, love to help people, and to bring a smile to anyone's life. I thought this would be another way to do that. OOOHHH WHAT A FOOL!! After reading this forum, I was crying (which distressed my husband greatly), and hate that I could have been a part of this scam. Now I have a ton of this CRAP. Guess what is going in costume jewelry case,,,,a whole lotta shame.

I'm very thankful to have been able to read your thread. I love pearls. I don't own any, and knowing what I do have, is so disheartening.
Lenora, I'm sorry you lost so much money to this venture. Thank you for sharing your story.

Since you love pearls, you may wish to put a pearl necklace or some studs on your next holiday wish list? :)
Lenora, I'm sorry for your distress, but commend your effort to educate yourself. Hoping you got some pretty freshwater pearls at least, that you could maybe make into some honest jewelry to help offset your dismay. Fresh waters can be very lovely, when used creatively and marketed truthfully. Hope you'll stay and enjoy the beauty and wonder of pearls with us ... you'll be amazed and delighted!
Leonora: I'm so sorry that you lost money to this scam, but I believe your post will help other people before they fall for it.

The pearls you have are not fakes. They are real pearls. They are just not the type or quality of pearls they are advertised as being. I hope this does not sour you on pearls, as there are many beautiful ones out there for you to enjoy with out the mess or heartache.
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear this. If it helps, I am talking to smart, wonderful folks who accidently fell into this (as consultants or buyers) and spent money on the pearls. I have a facebook group that educates about the oyster parties and talk to people daily. I have seen some very shoddy items and it's a shame. Have also seen frank anger and hate from the folks who want to continue the hoax.
How fortunate you found out now and not further down the road.

Please don't feel badly, there was no way for you to know.

I do hope you hang around. There are amazing pearls to seen and collected.