Where to buy pearls in Tahiti?


Super Moderator
Jul 11, 2007
I'm new to this forum, and am amazed by the amount of information here. I'm going to Tahiti in November, to soak up the scenery, scuba dive...but you probably REALLY know why I'm going...to that end, do any of you have suggestions on where to shop for/buy pearls? I have my heart set on a rather monstrous (18mm+???) round peacock for a pendant, unset is fine. I'll be visiting Bora Bora, Moorea, and Rangiroa, with one day to shop in Papeete at the end of my trip. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! As well as an idea of what I should expect to spend. Thanks - Sheri la_corsetiere
A monstrous 18mm pearl...? Those are very hard to find. Be prepared to spend $5-$10,000 for a nice round of good color and clean surface. This would be the wholesale range a buyer would expect.

In Papeete you can buy Tahitians everywhere! On Bora Bora you will have a lot of little shops, and the Black Pearl Gem Company and Paradise Pearls of Tahiti. The other islands have several as well, but hold off buying until later in the trip (if you can). This way you will have a better understanding of the local pricing (and tourist markups).
Thanks so much for your reply! Ack!!!...good to have a realistic idea of the prices. Time to kick my e-bay habit for a while, sigh...
On Moorea go to Rons and also Anne Simone. I purchased from both. Ron has been written up in Conde Nast and is an American. In Papette I purchased from the Pearl Market. I got a 13mm round top of the line(was my 13th anniversary) this was last year in July and as I recollect it was several thousand dollars. You can bargain. If you tell Ron that the Dr (can't remember his name) who does the dolphins and whales referred you then he donates a percentage of his profit from the sale to environmental research. Your best bet is the Pearl Market for an 18mm. If there is one it will be there, but don't get your hopes up too high.
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Beth said:
... In Papette ... I got a 13mm round top of the line

Can we see ? ;)

Beth said:
...(was my 13th anniversary) this was last year in July...

So... you have just turned 14 !!? :p

Great idea - pairing pearl size and years. Only mine would start to look like a ping-pong ball by now! :o
Can we see ?

LOL. Just for you Valeria since I am a fan of yours and you have helped me out other places.

So... you have just turned 14 !!?

Great idea - pairing pearl size and years. Only mine would start to look like a ping-pong ball by now!

Yes, we just had our 14th. I should have said wedding anniversary. Unfortunately my black opal seems to have been lost by Australia Post. The 13 mm was a happy coincidence that added a sentimental feeling to that pearl.

Here are some pics of my haul last year.


Do the Albert's Motu picnic and shark and ray tour!

Okay back to digging out the pearl photos....

Okay here we go.... The baroque is from Anne Simmone in Moorea. It has absolutely the most amazing lustre. This was my first purchase. It was only a few hundred. I have never seen anything like the lustre and tried to compare every other pearl I looked at to it. The earrings are from Ron's. I think they were about a thousand. He was awesome. He will send a car for you. The 13mm and the three other loose ones are from the Pearl Markets in Papette.


I have dug out the details of the shops I purchased from but am not sure I am allowed to post them. At the pearl markets ask for Thierry. He is really sweet and will go out of his way to help you be sure you get what you are looking for if at all possible.
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Ooooh...beautiful pearls! Thanks for the information, Beth. I hadn't thought about it, but my husband and I will be celebrating our 18th wedding anniversary just a couple days before we leave for Tahiti...perhaps that's why I want an 18 mm pearl!...but sounds like if I buy the pearl, I may not be able to afford to keep the husband...

Are the pearl markets in Papeete in the same area as the public craft market? Since I'll only have one day to shop in Papeete, I don't want to waste too much time trying to find my way around...

Will definitely make a note of the places you mentioned in Moorea, which will be our first stop.

Beth said:
LOL. Just for you Valeria since I am a fan of yours and you have helped me out other places.

Glad I have :) it is great to see the gorgeous pearls! :cool: Definitely not something to keep in hiding...

The baroque stands out for its 'rainbow' quality, alright... but then, the other come darn close. Are the large and smaller loose rounds going to be set anytime soon?
A Wonderful Collection! Congratulations and Thank YOu!!

so many pearls, so little time
la_corsetiere said:
...I want an 18 mm pearl!...but sounds like if I buy the pearl...

Hm, yeah... 'could be wrong, but... the size is approaching the upper limit of what is at all possible. An 18mm (long) drop would be less improbable, methinks, and very much a respectable pearl especially if it looks anywhere as brilliant and colorful as those! :cool: Whichever the color base may be.

Just a thought.

On the side a bit, even found keshi around 18mm long... thin bullet-like shapes more or less symmetrical; the ones I know were inexpensive and gunmetal gray, but I had not been looking for anything in particular and have no reason to believe that there aren't way better out there. Couldn't imagine a 'monster' drop, colored like the Cortez pearl samples :o
I really like the baroque pendant. The baroque and circle' pearls are my favorite. The luster is over the top. I am sure you receive a lot of compliments when you wear it.
That ringed baroque is beautiful! Thanks for posting your pictures. And nice photography, btw.
The whale/dolphin guy in Moorea's name is Michael Poole. Anyone who gives a part of their proceeds to what he does deserves attention. If I hear of an 18mm I'll let you know. Good luck and fantastic pearls.
Speaking of larger than average pearls, I recently found this link of some images of pearl hunting in Burma/Myanmar


The pearl on the bottom is so big it's almost scary... Only a Majarajah could get away with it!

On second thought make that the Majarajah and Elizabeth Taylor :D
Lol- too funny! Yes, it matured for years in the sewers of Myanmar: unwanted, unloved because of it's funny, bumpy shape, untouched by the light so that eventually, like the deep sea fish that never near the surface- like Gollum- it lost it's pigment and it's way and became... The Great White Blob! :eek: Willing and able to gobble any unfortunates that strayed into it's path...
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Aha, so I'm not the only one who thinks it's a big white blob as well :p Very bubbly/bumpy looking!
But you know....I kind of see a face in it... IS it Voldemort?

Once the rumors start, the blobs worth will go into the tens of millions. lol
Love the tahitians and of course, that baroque. :D How funny! No lack of imagination in this crowd! Salem, you named he who shall not be named! Oy!