Where to buy pearl ring ?


New Member
Dec 7, 2007
Hi everyone, I've this urge to buy myself a lovely pearl ring. :D I was hoping to get one of freshadrama quality if possible and around 10 -11mm or 9 to 10 mm. Would kill (pls dont tempt me :) ) to get my hand on a South Sea pearl ring if not for the price. Any recommendations would really be appreciated.

BTW, there are some lovely rings in the local retail shops but the prices are ridiculous.

thanks in advance !
Is there a particular design that you have in mind? If so, you can buy the findings and pearl separately if it's not available ready-made. Probably cheaper to do it as well, especially if you have to buy the finding at a brick and mortar store. Most of the online vendors here sell loose pearls that they will drill on demand. If there is a ready-made one you can just pick the pearl type, with specifications for size and quality and it's easy enough to just order online.
Hi, I like something simple and in silver as I'm not into gold. :p I didnt realise I can customise my order. I dont seem to see Freshadrama ring available on the websites of the online vendors. Should I send them an email to check ? Is this OK ? Thanks for your help:)
Freshadama is the line of pearls marketed by Pearl Paradise (www.pearlparadise.com). Other vendors also have similar lines, known as gem, or elite, or orient freshwater pearls etc. These are top of the line freshwaters usually meant for loose/earring grade that have been made into strands. You can just ask for loose gem grade pearls. They may not be known as Freshadamas.

I don't think most online vendors do silver findings, so you might have to buy it separately. A google search for pearl rings will yield many designs. Silver is just the metal used to make the finding - you still have to find an actual design you like. I find that silver tarnishes unless it's rhodium plated, and it's not a good look with Freshadamas which are the finest freshwaters. I find it a great mismatch to be honest.

You can find a Freshadama ring here, but unfortunately it's sold out. There are other ring findings available that you can customize to your specifications regarding the pearl type. Perhaps some other PG-ers might suggest a design to your liking. I'm not artistically inclined enough to be of assistance I'm afraid.


There are some vendors on ebay that sell freshwaters of reasonable grade. I think Pearl Lunar actually has some that are quite pretty, but the pearls are only about 7-8 mm and they are not necessarily loose gem grade. However, I find that sometimes the button pearls can look better than round pearls in terms of color and luster.
Is anyone else here preffering button shaped pearls on rings? Especially for larger pearls (whatever that means relative to your hand and taste) ?

Think size 3 ring (15mm inner diameter) and 15mm pearl - the tall rounds seem to tip over! Bottons are... grounded, or something.

And this shape (below) reminds of those sugarloaf gem cabs of yesteryear. I think it is the most flattering, gorgeous pearl ring candidate! :cool:

Obviusly, these are personal choices w/o any serious argument behind.


The picture comes from that memorable thread with GemGeek's pictures, of course!
I think that's the exact reason buttons are commonly used for ring settings. I mean, you can't really see the bottom of the pearl and it's more ergonomically designed, so to speak. It also costs much less. I have a random white button freshwater ring that looks awesome. It even matches my Freshadamas and is more lustrous than most AA+ freshwaters. However, because it's not round it cannot really be considered a high-grade pearl.

That's probably why the Freshadama ring was designed to show off the pearl in its entirety with a central post, but nothing on the side to obscure the snowy globe.
Raisondetre said:
However, because it's not round it cannot really be considered a high-grade pearl.

... that bit sounds unjust - I mean, you are right, the world isn't!

Besides, it is nice to have those 'high buttons' (or whatever the name) nice all-over - without dead spots n either end, dull circles or whatever. I wonder whether those are that common to be downgraded at all.
The good thing is, you can get it for relatively cheap. It's unfair to the oyster and the pearl, however ... and they'd never set it with gold. At least for freshwaters.
I'd call that a gumdrop shape. Another shape that skipped my mind when we were listing shapes. Pretty, isn't it.
Jojonana said:
Hi, I like something simple and in silver as I'm not into gold. :p I didnt realise I can customise my order. I dont seem to see Freshadrama ring available on the websites of the online vendors. Should I send them an email to check ? Is this OK ? Thanks for your help:)

Hi, Jojonana,
our on-line vendors have findings in white gold as well, which will not tarnish at all and as said before, you just give the vendor an e-mail with the specifications of what you want.

Once you have got your ring, please send us some photos!
Good luck!
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