Where Freshwater Pearls Come From?


New Member
Apr 12, 2012
The first record mentioning pearls in China was from 2206 BC. Since the 13th century,China has harvested freshwater pearls in the form of mabe. Till 1960s, pearl-culturing industry comes into being in China and gradually expands for decades. And China has now become the world's undisputed leader in freshwater pearl production.

Shanxiahu is a small town located in Zhejiang province of eastern China, about two hours' drive from the metropolis city of Shanghai, covering an area of 42 square kilometres and with a resident population of about 28,000. Though the town is small, it is also miraculous. The town features its thousands of pearl-culturing farms, which, e.g. in 2008, produced more than 1,500 tons of freshwater pearl, account for more than 90% of the total freshwater pearl output worldwide. The town also features the China Pearl and Jewelry International City, which is built up in the town in the year of 2006 and is the China even the world's largest pearl trading hub, containing more than 1,000 business lobbies in all.
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We already know that. We have articles. In fact, I wrote one of them 5 years ago. Try something we don't know. And, that avatar makes you look like a factory representative for the company listed in it. Our first spammy avatar! Perhaps you do have something to say we don't know about, like what is the secret for growing the Edison pearls? Where can we get them cheap? Don't tell me your factory has them, I already checked.
Speaking of spam, is it spam if you unsubscribe to one site and all of a sudden you're getting emails from 6-8 (presumably?)unrelated, unrequested sites? I used to just delete a rare piece of junk mail, but this week I unsubscribed to two sites and up popped 16 new junks!

I guess it's better to just delete them? I think The same thing happened when I assigned email to SPAM folder, only far fewer. Is this other's experience?
If you EVER get a spam you have not invited, do not open, do not reply, put on junk mail list, and delete it. If you answer, they know they have a 'live' address! And they sell it.
Bless you Caitlin, I wondered if I was crazy... Thank you for explaining this. I wondered if that's what had happened. I guess I'll just have to put up with it and keep deleting until they think it's a dead end again.
Sorry for that. I am new to this forum and this is just a my first pilot post; and most of all, I don't know that someone has posted similar articles. Anyway, I will try to post something new and original in the future!
oops. Mr. Pearl Paradise, doncha just hate it when you see your pix stolen yet again?

How long should we give him to get those pix, at least, off his website? In know, I know, the people that do the website stole the pix, the poster didn't even know...... didn't even know...didn't EVEN know.......

How many times have I heard that one? Perhaps is it the web people who use the stock photos and steal the other photos from sites, but why do so many websites from Chinese pearl companies steal photos? It makes me not trust their sites or their other photos.

A website that lies, cheats, or steals is an unlucky website. It is bringing bad luck to Johnny and the owners because people who see the stolen pictures think ill of the people who do that.

What bad luck and humiliation........tsk tsk tsk.

The avatar puts me off, too. It is a blatant advertisement for the company. It should be the most pretty or popular pearls the company sells, with no text. The only reason your signature and link are allowed in your second post, is to embarrass you in the act of ripping off another's website. Your company needs to take your site down for a few days and insist the webmaster use ONLY the companies' own photos. Make the web-people pay for it- if it truly is their fault. Spend more money putting up an honest website, then come over here as yourself, a person working for the company, or the owner, or whoever you are, and act like a professional among professionals.

That is how to get respect from your customers outside of China. That is how to bring luck from selling to non-Chinese.

Right now Johnny represents a company I would not buy from and could not recommend anyone else buy from them, either!
I never visited your website before, how come I abuse your copyright or trademarks? How come I Stolen your picture?
Caitlin, Please don't be ridiculous! Who stolen who is still a question. Please don't follow others' idea blindly. Please see the picture of matinee style that is what we have, and he does not have in his website. That is a evidence to prove that I don't stole from his website. By the way, the major part of this article is written by my self. I don't know what you wrote five years ago. So there is no copy from you at all. Be a lady or gentleman, not be so hysterical.

Moreover, It is a personal thing, have nothing to do with China. Please don't attach a country because of a citizen. Act as a cultured lady or gentleman, please.
Caitlin, Please don't be ridiculous! Who stolen who is still a question. Please don't follow others' idea blindly. Please see the picture of matinee style that is what we have, and he does not have in his website. That is a evidence to prove that I don't stole from his website. By the way, the major part of this article is written by my self. I don't know what you wrote five years ago. So there is no copy from you at all. Be a lady or gentleman, not be so hysterical.

Moreover, It is a personal thing, have nothing to do with China. Please don't attach a country because of a citizen. Act as a cultured lady or gentleman, please.

Those pictures have been on our Website for nearly 10 years. The model is the best friend of my first employee, who was a medical student visiting Los Angeles for the Summer. We own the copyright, and the pictures are used without permission.

I don't have any comments about the product offering or the posts, but those pictures do not belong to you. I know, because they belong to my company. So again, please respect our copyright and remove them from your Website.
A quick cross-reference with Google Images turned up images ripped from other retail sites too.

They didn't even bother to change the filenames.
Dear Lord! Thank God for you techies who are up to speed with research tools. Thanks to You! Now I know about google images.
I'm aghast; I probably complimented him on his pearl photos somewhere, if he posted pearls. Dreadful.
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It is interesting! Ha ha.
Then my topic was deleted .

edited to remove insults.
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Please check the email address you used to sign up with over here. I made a mistake and invited you to put up your pix again. sorry. Start a new thread.
Well, when the village welcomes you, don't pillage the village. Fresh start, hugs all round!