Where can I source silk thread for pearls?

  • Thread starter Thread starter bcamacho
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I'm a bit late seeing this, however... I love silk!! I was buying it (Griffin)from House of Jewellery in Sydney, they ran out, searched wider found some in Brisbane, used that til they ran out. Searched wider still. I found Guderbrod (which I much prefer) in the US at JewellerySupply.com
THey ran out of F which I was using a lot of, so I looked some more and found it at Stachua in the US http://www.stachurawholesalegemstones.com/view/181/ They go up to FF and have COLOURS!! so I get it there now, but you may need to be a registered business, though it may be worthy emailing to ask if you
Can buy from them if you're not registered. I really don't like the cards, so I was looking for spools
A little trick I learned over the holidays as far as colors is concerned is, taupe silk goes with everything, even white pearls.

Has anyone ever been able to explain why the hand of dyed threads is different than undyed threads? That drives me bonkers!

Pattye: Have you tried Deltolon? It's quite nice with no stretch.
so that is it? :eek: (not that consumer perception is a small thing....)

no other benefits of using silk thread?

erin :confused:


Silk was in its heyday an dis still considered a good wuality stringing medium. compared to teh Renaissance era when they used horse hair, waxed linen, or wool for for stringing pearls and setting them onto the ornate outfits they had back then. this is WAAAYY before the invention of synthetic stringing mediums . . it is quality and like the pearl silk is natural... I personally like the combo, I like the wearability factor of silk versus nylon or silkon et.. depending on the pieces I am doing. who they are going to what the pieces is for etc...
