Where are the pearls?

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I wouldn't soak pearls for more than a few minutes in salt water. It is very drying. And I would skip it for thin skinned pearls too.

Smudging is when you take some sage white sage, sweet grass, or artemisia "sage" and light it and pass it over or around the object. It is used as a blessing. `You can buy sage bundles at coop goceries and Native American supply stores. I grow artemisia in my yard-it grows wild all over the foothills of the Catalinas in Tucson- and make small bundles in the fall and give it away at Cristmas.​

You can also use resins like frankincense, myrrh or the best of all, copal, a Mexican/Guatamalan resin that is probably the best smelling incense ever. You can buy those at the same places. COPAL, look for it. Just smelling it is like a blessing. It is divine.​
You can also use resins like frankincense, myrrh or the best of all, copal, a Mexican/Guatamalan resin that is probably the best smelling incense ever. You can buy those at the same places. COPAL, look for it. Just smelling it is like a blessing. It is divine.​

Wow, something I know about! Copal is immature Amber. It has to be at least one million years old to be considered Amber. Can you imagine being 775,000 years old and having someone tell you that you're immature? Ha!

Also, hot-point testing is a slightly destructive test to tell if Amber is real. The real stuff has an unmistakable sweet pine resin smell. Of course an appraiser would only do a hot point test if there were an inconspicuous area, say, in a drill hole, to do the testing! ;)
I wouldn't soak pearls for more than a few minutes in salt water. It is very drying. And I would skip it for thin skinned pearls too.


Hey! You know this stuff well! ;)

Burying in the ground also works. Not sure how practical this is for anyone...

Sorry, way off topic: it seems that if you leave crystals out in the sun (and moon) for 49 days, the crystals become fully charged with super powers - not sure what super powers they are...
Off the subject too, but at my age I need all the super powers I can get!! Forty-nine days in the sun could take a reeeeally long time here Portland Oregon!

so many pearls, so little time
What's his is yours and what's yours is yours too!

In a toy store:

"We have a Miss America Barbie for 15 dollars, an American Idol Barbie for 20 dollars, and a divorcee Barbie for 95 dollars."

"Why is the divorcee Barbie so expensive?"

Because she comes with a set: Barbie divorcee doll, Ken's house, Ken's car, Ken's money...."
In a toy store:

"We have a Miss America Barbie for 15 dollars, an American Idol Barbie for 20 dollars, and a divorcee Barbie for 95 dollars."

"Why is the divorcee Barbie so expensive?"

Because she comes with a set: Barbie divorcee doll, Ken's house, Ken's car, Ken's money...."

airdancer said:
Hey! You know this stuff well! ;)

Burying in the ground also works. Not sure how practical this is for anyone...

Sorry, way off topic: it seems that if you leave crystals out in the sun (and moon) for 49 days, the crystals become fully charged with super powers - not sure what super powers they are...

Since I just remembered that human bone also has a crystal structure, I am seriously thinking about where I can go to purify and RE-charge myself with super powers that has 49 days of continual sunshine. Yes, I know I could save a lot of money on airfare, hotel stay and meals if I just buried myself up to the neck in the dirt in my own back yard. But I would have to depend on someone to be around most of the time to make me food, feed me three times a day and shoo away curious nocturnal wildlife---so that is pretty much out of the question, even though my husband says it would be cool to have a wife with fully RE-charged super powers that wouldn't cost him a trip to Tahiti.

Hilarious thought, Danuta seeing you buried up to your neck and your husband feeding you and chasing away all the bugs and other animals, hehe. Anyway if it were that easy to charge ones battery a lot of us would do it....
So divorcee Barbie is really expensive huh? Poor Ken.
My favorite brother-in-law's name is Ken. Our birthdays are 4 days apart so the first year my hubby and I lived in Portland, Ken and Elaine, and the two of us had a mutual birthday party at a nice restaurant.
We didn't think too much of it until the staff started singing "Happy birthday barbie and Ken". When the entire restaurant turned to look at us, we all looked at each other and said, "This was not well thought out."
We still have our barbie and Ken birthday party every year but now we don't tell the staff it's our birthday. That way we get to eat in peace. Ken's wife Elaine is a very elegant person with the best sewing and needlepoint skills I have ever seen. Now that I'm addicted to pearls I make her something out of pearls every year and give it to her at the party. Hey, I'm a hobbit. I give other people gifts on my birthday.
I bet she'd like some Freshadamas.
Ken is a concert trombonist(sp). Personally I think Ken's expensive.
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Speaking of recharging our batteries and getting rid of bad karma; copper is supposed to have a healing effect (on humans) and so is carnelian. I wonder if you placed the pearls in a container with either one and left it for a time: would the copper or carnelian remove the spiritual gunk? You could then heat either one of them to cleanse their restorative spirit. Obviously can't heat the pearls. Not sure of being buried. Hmmm, if you were buried to the neck with the pearls on...
(I look away for a day or two, okay fifteen days, this is what happens....Jeez)