What We Need to Know to Best Evaluate Your Pearls


New Member
Oct 9, 2010
Hello and welcome. If you're hoping to identify some pearls, members here are happy to assist. In order to help us help you, we ask you to please include the following information in your first post:

  1. Whether the pearls feel gritty or smooth when rubbed against your teeth or when you rub two against each other;
  2. The dimensions of your item, including length, width (if applicable) and size of the pearls;
  3. Description of any stamps or markings on the clasp, e.g., 14k, 585, letters or logos;
  4. Shape of the pearls, e.g., round, off-round, egg, potato, button
  5. Whether the pearls all look exactly alike or if there are differences from pearl to pearl;
  6. Description of the surface of the pearls, e.g., smooth, dimpled;
  7. If the item is from eBay or an online vendor, the seller or vendor's name or a link to the item, if possible.

We also need pictures of the item, including close-ups of individual pearls. You can read tips for photographing pearls in the thread Taking pictures of pearl jewelry.

Thank you. We look forward to seeing your pearls!
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That's really good Bacca. I think it covers everything. One small suggestion though, to number the points - makes it less easy for an enquirer to miss any of the points out.
I REALLY like the title, don't you guys? Good one! Gets right to the heart of it.
I copied this to my desktop and I will cut and paste it into my posts when I see a new poster that didn't read our newly renamed thread! If you do too, we sure save some impatience molecules.
May I add :
" please ask kindly, all advices here are given free and on members' time "