What to do?


New Member
Feb 15, 2010
Hi everyone:

You may recall that I purchased my first strand of pearls last month. I went for a small (6.5-7) strand of PP's exotics. I asked for cooler tones and that is what they sent. Very pretty too. (Note to self - get that photo up. First - take photo)

Anyway...I am finding the 6.5's to 7 great for some outfits, but kind of small for others. Soooo, do I go for another stand in a larger size, or perhaps go for another 6.5-7 and double up? What are your thoughts on the different looks? Bigger vs two smaller.

Also I keep reading about the limited stock on these exotics. Am I likely to get the dregs at this point? I didn't join the forum until last month, and so missed months of ordering for these "limited quantities". I toodle around on old posts and am sure impressed with the photos of others who have purchased them before myself. (Note to self - find digital camera).

Well your thoughts would sure be appreciated for this pearl newbie. I've not much confidence yet, as I've just started with this hobby/obsession/collection:o.
If you have a 16" strand already, one option is to buy a 17.5" strand to double up, one nested inside the other. You can use the same clasp as the strand you already have and joined them together for a longer look, if you don't mind the clasps showing on both sides of your chest.

I am small myself and cannot carry large size pearls. I've read on the internet somewhere that smaller women can wear double strands of moderate size pearls to make a statement instead of going for single strand of enormous pearls that are not proportion to their size.
Good to know. I did go for the smaller size pearls as I am, well, skinny and tallish. Proportion indeed. I thought the bigger pearls would look funny on my giraffe neck. These smaller ones do look very nice, so maybe I am just after more exotics (ah ha moment to self).

Good idea to go for 17.5, they would overlap each other otherwise. Thanks H and M, I think I might do this. What is it about those exotics? Is it just me? Sometimes I just hang out in the bathroom (best lighting for mine - go figure) and look at them.
If the size is not perfect, I would contact them and ask for an exchange, paying for the bigger size. I don't know your age, but after 30+ years of buying pearls, my advice is to buy larger, with an eye to wearing them for decades. At one point, I suspect that 6.5 mm will look too small even doubled up. Just my opinion.
Kelly, before you make a decision on size, you might want to pop in a jewelry store and try on a few strands in larger pearl sizes to see what size you like best (and while your there try on a double strand too). Some small local stores do not stock all sizes so I'd try a large chain store (I don't know if I can say the name but the big Canadian jeweler starting with B - I'm sure you know who I mean - have a decent stock of necklaces in various pearl sizes in the store). Shipping things back and forth to the US costs money and you don't want to do it more often than necessary. I also suspect you will prefer larger size pearls to a double of smaller ones but I'd recommend trying some out first. Worst case scenario is you get to spend some time trying on pearl necklaces right?
Good idea. Didn't think of it. Probably because I'm not much of a shopper, but you're right, the back and forth is very expensive. I did that once and I'm not doing it again. Still trying to collect those taxes that they charged at the door.

The 6.5's are quite small alright. Very pretty though.

I've been looking at B's blue book since I was a little girl...
The 6.5 are the perfect, feminine size. It is a totally classic size and looks good on young and old. They are light on slender people almost delicate. doubling it is perfect for a more substantial look.

You need another one same size and another one bigger, and another one metallic................
I like your collections advice, Caitlin!

I'm another one who wears smaller pearls (for rounds) but in a slightly longer length - 20" or 22"; I tend to also wear scarves and a variety of higher necklines and this length gives me more flexibility/lets me show the pearls. IMO the high quality pearls have so much presence that this works well. I, too, double or triple them for a more dramatic look or even wear them with a pendant or enhancer when drama calls. Have fun trying on and experimenting, though, to see what feels most comfortable. :)
I like your collections advice, Caitlin!

I'm another one who wears smaller pearls (for rounds) but in a slightly longer length - 20" or 22"; I tend to also wear scarves and a variety of higher necklines and this length gives me more flexibility/lets me show the pearls.

Great advice. I wear scarves too and have been experimenting with necklaces also. One option is to wear necklace on top of lightweight silk scarf. See the last picture in this jckonline article http://tinyurl.com/yet34og
Well all of your advice has been very helpful and has given me lots of ideas. I'm thinking that I don't want to part with my 6.5's as PP carefully chose them for me, and they chose so well (find the @#$! camera). I think that you are on to something Caitlin - I just need more exotics!

One more question. Do you think it annoys PP when you request things like asking for cool tones? Would they get ticked if I did it again?
Since I am the first seller to read this I guess I can answer for us all (I hope!). No, being specific is never a problem for us. If you know exactly what you want, or you have at least a clear idea and are willing to take advice that is great, please be a customer.
The ones who cannot make a decision and who have no idea what they want and who won't and don't take advice are the nightmares simply because they are never going to be satisfied. There is always a bigger, smaller, rounder, more lustrous, cheaper pearl out there which they should have bought.
What we want is happy, satisfied customers who are excited about what they have bought from us.
That B-named retailer, Kelly, will stun you re prices, so please do not think this will be remotely like the price you would pay to exchange... but I think this is a brilliant suggestion and so let us know what you decide.
Good to know about the not being annoyed thing (slight look of embarassment).

Yup, B is Birks. You may all know of the Birks Blue Book, but in case you don't, it's a catalogue that they put out (used to just be at Xmas, but now I think it's twice a year) with some mighty impressive jewellery. The best of what they have to offer. It's been coming out for as long as I can remember. When it comes in the mail, it's time to put the kettle on, bring out the bikkies and and just imagine. Mind you, I saw some colored freshwaters at one of their stores that couldn't hold a candle to my exotics (I'm not doing the big suck-up either :))
I am all for Caitlin's "buy them all" option. That is definitely my favorite option! Ah yes Birks.... love their stuff but hate their prices. Their book has some nice eyecandy though.

And feel free to frustrate Jeremy as much as possible. I hear he loves it. ;)
I know this isn't related to your question at all, but would you mind describing the cool toned exotics (if you can't do a picture :D) that you got from PP, Kelly? I am about to order some and all I thought about were goldens and warmer colours!
Jeez, if I could find that dang camera, I'd give it my honest best. Let me go take a quick look at them (bathroom remember?)...ok here goes... a fair amount of pink, light purple, a few green, some ivory, ivory approaching golden, and a few darker purple, lavender, or maybe deeper pink. I think that about covers it. Don't know why I keep lamenting the camera, it couldn't take a good picture to show these colors anyway. At times, they are very light and you would just see a strand that is pinkish/purplish. Now in the bathroom is another story entirely.

I also ordered a warmer strand, and it was absolutely lovely, but just did not go with my skin tone. It had the above with some ivory approaching golden, and peachy/coppery colors. Would likely look fabulous on anyone in the summer months. Perhaps it looked lovely on me and I just didn't realize it. I thought long and hard about sending it back. I don't like the idea of not having some of the available colors in my exotic strand. It was a tough call. Hope that helps :).
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Most 'white' skins need a tinge of blue or the blue end of the spectrum(pink/lavender) while browner skins look better with the yellows of peach and gold.
I say 'most' deliberately because I once had a pale skinned blonde customer who looked stunning with peach pearls. There is always an exception