What size earrings?


New Member
Feb 15, 2010
I've tried to post a few times today, and there was a problem with the site. Forgive me if a similar post suddenly appears about 3 times LOL!

Hi all, hope you're well. Need some opinions.

Bought my first strand of round, whites a few months back. An 8.5-9mm freshadama strand with silver/rose overtones. Lovely! Now I'm thinking of getting a larger pair of studs to go with them (I already have the smallest and wear them frequently). What to do? 8.5-9, 9.5-10, or (gasp) 10-10.5mm? Thoughts, comments, suggestions?

Kind regards
Kelly (aka Begonia :cool:)
I have a 8-9 mm pearl necklace and got 9-10 mm pearls to go with them.

I thought the ones that were the same size as the necklace pearls just somehow seemed underwhelming. Another pearl of the same size for my ears, when I already had dozens of them in the necklace, didn't seem to me to really pop at all.

And then, personally, I find large studs uncomfortable and am not crazy about the way they look or feel.

So, that was my reasoning to go up one size for the studs. I wear my set all the time, to dress down or up, and have been very pleased with my choice. So, if it was me, I'd go with the 9.5 to 10 mm. Just my opinion, though, so much of it is really just personal preference. ;0)
Hi Kelly,

A while back I bought a pair of 9 mm (I think, not bigger) FW earring studs - and I never wear them. They just feel to large for my ear lopes and don't look good either. I only ever wear the 7 mm I got 30 years ago, and my ear lopes are pretty normal in size. If at all possible, I recommend that you try some earrings on, even if you are not buying there. In almost other cases I would say the bigger the better with pearls, but not for studs.

- Karin
Hi Kelly

yes, I agree with Karin - I think large studs can be quite difficult to 'carry' above say 10.00 (although lots of people do), so I would go with just a 1.0mm increase on the strand - 9.5-10.0 - the 'set' would stay in proportion then too

of course if you went for dangles...... different story, although there is still something to be said for keeping the 'set' in proportion

Picis when you get them please :o
Bigger the better. I wear some of our 14mm and 15mm ones all the time. If you like big earrings then wear big earrings, there aren't any rules (we sell down to 4mm studs too)
One point - you might think about buttons rather than rounds though, they will sit better on the ear (and be cheaper)
I just use ordinary butterflies..but the pearls are buttons which cuts down on the weight a bit and they tend to sit better as well - although my 14mm wss are rounds. Perhaps I just have well trained lobes?
Hey, thanks for the replies everyone!

Hmmm, get your point about the weight, but just know to the depth of my being that I am not a button gal. Definitely gonna do a stud...not a round, ball dangly kind of gal. Point taken about the studs being exactly the same size as the necklace. Thinking, thinking...we have a winner! I do believe I shall try the 9.5-10mm (and half the $$ of the 10+).

Now the only thing I hadn't quite grasped was (Pattye:)) the comment of 8.9mm for the backing. I just use butterfly backs, but have seen these plastic discs. Is that what you are referring to?

Kelly :cool:
freshadama vs AAA

This is what I mean. Usually there are in between sizes offered also, from jewelry supply places. Those tiny ones get lost in the carpet; these can usually be found!
Pattye - brilliant! even I could find those, 'cause I can never find anything, and have to go get a torch.... and then I have to go and get BV, who finds whatever it is immediately LoL

Kelly - enjoy! - yes, had forgotten about the price-jump-thing with those biggies...

Don't forget the picis of the new set :cool:
Whoa! Holy butterfly back Batman! Nothing tells it like a picture. Thanks P, you're a peach. :D
I like big honking pearl studs! My problem is that the stud length is usually too long and pokes me in that tender spot just behind my ear. Ouch! I guess I have thin earlobes?

I usually just nip a little bit off with some wire cutters. I've learned to be very careful doing that, though, after cutting a pretty pair of sterling and rose quartz earrings too short and making them unwearable :-(
These are 11 mm South Sea studs and they don't look too overwhelming.


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These are 11 mm South Sea studs and they don't look too overwhelming.

Those are lovely studs, and a very beautiful woman wearing them.

But they wouldn't suit lots of women - they suit her, but she has quite a large face, and strong features, to balance the studs.

I don't have pierced ears, but one of my sisters, who does, is very slim with a small, heart-shaped face. They'd look much more prominent on her than on the woman wearing the studs in your pic.

Olivia's day-to-day earrings are 3.5mm amethyst or sapphire studs.

Those are lovely studs, and a very beautiful woman wearing them.

But they wouldn't suit lots of women - they suit her, but she has quite a large face, and strong features, to balance the studs.

I don't have pierced ears, but one of my sisters, who does, is very slim with a small, heart-shaped face. They'd look much more prominent on her than on the woman wearing the studs in your pic.

Olivia's day-to-day earrings are 3.5mm amethyst or sapphire studs.


Your sister is beautiful, and because she generally wears smaller scale jewelry it likely would be a bit shocking to see her in large earrings. It's a matter also of personal style and what one is comfortable in.