What should I make of this? Does this affect the overall value of my necklace?


New Member
Nov 20, 2012
Near the clasp ends of the necklace between the last two pearls on both ends, I can see small knots. It appears that this is where the string has been tied on both ends although I am not certain. It is not large although on close examination it is visible and even slightly dirty looking.
Hello Carrl, is it possible to take a picture of it? If you see that it's dirty it may be time to restring the necklace.
That is a typical knotting job for older pearl necklaces. Being dirty will only affect the looks if you keep it, but if you want an appraisal or to sell it, it might be worth the investment to clean and reknot it.

We do need pictures and to be able to determine if they are pearls or imitations. Rub two pearls together lightly or across the edge of your teeth. If they are slightly gritty as opposed to quite smooth, they are probably real and thus worth the cleanup.

We look forward to seeing the photos!