What pearls are right for my fiancee?


New Member
Jul 18, 2013
Hello everyone,

Let me first introduce myself to the forum. I am a recently engaged 22 year old with your average 22 year old's salary and am looking to purchase a pearl necklace for my fiancee. So far my research from this forum led me to pearlparadise where I found the beautiful and frequently discussed freshadama pearls. Right now I am considering the 7.5-8 mm pearl necklace as well as the matching earrings. Does anyone have pictures of these or any previous experience with them to help me? My fiance is pictured next to me in my profile picture, and she stands around 5 foot 7. As is the case in everything I do for her, I want to make sure I buy her the best pearls money can buy with regards to my budget. We are set to be married in February and I am thinking of making this purchase as a wedding gift. Please help me make it known that she is the most beautiful girl in the world and is the best thing that ever happened to me.



Congratulations on your engagement and welcome! Here's a photo of one of our members in her freshadama necklace in the size similar https://www.pearl-guide.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=10435&d=1222185178

Freshadamas~ a great choice, a classic necklace to be enjoyed and cherished over the years! And earrings of course, probably in at least 8mm. Customer service at PP can advise you.

What a terrific guy you are to do the research now and not wait until the last minute!
Hi Nick, I think 8mm is a great size (for earrings as well as for a necklace), and one that is so versatile - traditionally speaking, it will be fitting for your fiance all through her 20s and 30s. I have the freshadama studs and love them. You can see similar gem quality studs in different sizes over on the Show Us Your Pearls forum (or my site linked below, where I talk about my researching process a bit (search the tag 'pearls') - I'm 5'8"). When I was first shopping I found it a bit easier to let my budget dictate the choice, with the rule that I would get the best I could for that price. So I ended up getting the 8mm freshadama studs and the 8mm AAA 18" round necklace (a pretty classic combination). The freshadamas really are stunning but so is the AAA strand I got. Get on the mailing list, if you've got time, there's going to be a sale sooner or later, and 15% off could be what helps you swing a gem-quality strand (pearls are such a great gift, by the way! What a classy guy!).
Hey, there's my strand :).

Since that photo was taken, I restrung the strand on 20# Power Pro thread, with a regular ball clasp (instead of the original oversized clasp I had chosen) so now the strand is 18" long. I rearranged a few of the pearls as well. This is what it looks like today (first photo.)

The strands in those days (2007) were being sold in full-mm ranges (these were 7-8mm). Nowadays, happily, they are being sold in 1/2 mm ranges (7.5-8mm.) This means that a higher per cent of the pearls will be larger, which is good!

I requested a silver-ros? strand. It matches my skin tone well, but I have to say I prefer my metallic white freshwater pearls, which stand out from the skin a bit more. I also prefer the larger size of the metallic whites (8-8.5mm.) The second photo shows the Freshadama strand loosely held near the metallic whites, for comparison. Consider her skin tone when you choose the pearls.

Going up a size or a half-size would increase the price quite a bit, but I recommend going larger if you can afford to. We ladies tend to like our pearls to be a bit larger as we get older.

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You have gotten excellent advice; I am chiming in to say that your attitude is wonderful and I got a lift out of reading your post! The best to you both!.
Thank you all! I really appreciate the pictures to give me a view of the necklace on someone. Pearl Dreams you have almost the exact skin tone as well as my fiancee. I will keep an eye out for a sale because it really would be nice to go up that one size.
Update: Going with the 7.5-8mm white freshadama set

Update: Going with the 7.5-8mm white freshadama set

Hey everyone just thought I would update you all on what's going on. My fiancee and I went to the mall today just to get an idea of what lengths and sizes of pearls she liked and the 18 inch princess length looked great on her. She also really liked the plain stud earrings and classic bracelets they had so I knew that my decision had been made for me. I will be going with the set listed below.


I know protocol on here is to post pictures when they arrive so I will be sure to get those out as soon as they arrive. Thank each and every one of you for your input. It really has made this process much easier and I will be sure to keep updated on the forum and post opinions to everyone else that needs advice.
What an excellent choice! She will adore them. You are a thoughtful fianc?. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness together!
Nice! She'll have a very useful set. Because the 3 items were bought together, they should be well matched.

Also, she can link the necklace and bracelet end to end if she wants a longer look.
Great choice and I am sure she will love it. Best wishes to you and your fiance for a long and happy marriage!
Pearls are here!

Pearls are here!

Again I want to thank you all for your advice in helping me find the perfect pearls for my future wife. As promised, here are the pictures!

pearls 1.jpgpearls2.jpgpearls3.jpgpearls4.jpgpearls5.jpg
Classic white, great size and seriously beautiful. Of course, what would be even better, would be a neck shot on your fiance'. :)
That will come as well I promise but since it's her wedding present it won't be until after that day. February 21st, 2014. Can't wait!
nick-- don't forget us now. February of 2014 is a ways off, but we'll be waiting here for those neck and ear shots...!