What kind of pearls - Pearl Chic Party on Facebook

Comedy break, indeed! Thanks for sharing this, Jeremy, I needed a laugh this morning.

Any lawyer learns in the first year of law school to NEVER allow their clients to make ambiguous proxy statements on their behalf.
This. When I hired my lawyer last year, the first thing he told me was to not engage and that he would take care of all correspondence. The fact that the show runner is engaging at all is telling.
There is one pearl party "jewel" that is selling freshwater akoya and faith healing as a 2-fer. Have had several people show up and message behind the scene to make sure the lady is a liar. Below, a sample:

"Do most of these people who have these parties what type of crap did they go through to operate? One lady claimed she had to get an international fishing liscense , bunch paper work before she could start up. She claimed it cost her around $10 grand to start up.
I only ask because she is also going around preaching about the Bible , then doing parties of course."

I just don't know where to start sometimes.

These peeps give new meaning to the word "scum."
Seriously, who says "I am extremely wealthy as well"??
Since when does that add to one's credibility? This company sickens me.
I'll look into it. Well, tomorrow. We had some sort of power outage and we're on candlelight tonight.
SO many messages about stolen pearl pictures. I am considering a "post of shame" where I mention the thief and post the picture after giving the theif a private message and a chance to remove it on their own. If the picture thief removes their picture, I will remove their post.
Part of me thinks this is a great idea to apply pressure and the other part really hates the drama that would ensue by a few very loyal page followers. Your thoughts? I don't want to lose the message and focus of the page.

Alternately I could create another page and share a post.
Just a heads up, you may be getting a lot more comments on this thread..

I have shared it (along with what I know about the company) just now on Facebook.
This is actually pretty funny. Apparently several people have been complaining about Pearl Chic on their Facebook page and the owner just assumes I am creating fake names or profiles to harass them. I did post today telling them the pearls on their Facebook page are freshwater and not akoya. This email just came in from Teresa Vitantonio. You may get a kick out of it, lol

The person lying and deceiving all these people on Facebook is now threatening me, LOL!

[TABLE="class: cf gJ"]
[TR="class: acZ"]
[TD="class: gF gK"][TABLE="class: cf ix, width: 390"]
[TD][h=3]Teresa Vitantonio <tvitt2011@gmail.com>[/h][/TD]
[TD="class: gH, align: right"]1:33 PM (4 hours ago)

[TD="class: gH, align: right"][/TD]
[TD="class: gH acX, align: right"]

[TR="class: acZ xD"]
[TD="colspan: 3"][TABLE="class: cf adz, width: 555"]
[TD="class: ady"]to me


Hi Jeremy,
I am the owner of Pearl Chic. One of my consultants notified me that you reached out and sent an email from this email. You also went on my company's page and spoke falsely about my company's product. Someone of your nature should be very familiar with harassment, Libel, and Slander. Our pearls are 100% Akoya and have been taken and appraised by many different jewelers. Even though you got you're certificate online, I would still assume you had enough intelligence to know that you are putting your credibility on the line making statements that are false. You are not dealing with a mom and pop shop that you can scare. I am extremely wealthy as well and my family owns a law firm, so I am actually very familiar with the law. You are on on a social media portal breaking the law by harassing my contractors and posting false accusations on the internet about my company. Not to mention making up false profiles to do it as well. I'd also assume someone of your nature would have better things to do with their time, but apparently not. I'm assuming your similar pearl business must be hurting, since you have all this free time on your hands to harass women. If the FTC wants to contact me, they are free to speak with my lawyer. As for you, if I come across one more account of libel or harassment from you under all your falsified names, you will be hearing from my layers.

Thank You.

Would be funny if it were not so sad. Wow, just Wow!
In particular, that you would be hearing from her "layers"...

I wonder if these pearl party folks ever consider their emails, posts, valuation charts, advertisements, etc. create a lovely paper trail they create. There are vendors actually creating Akoya certificates for their freshwater pearls. I am sure someone will eventually thank them for their sheer stupidity.
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