What kind of pearls are these and the history.

Helen, you did really well! Seriously! and got the giggles with your planting of the flowers remark!

I thought they were a little too round for Biwa, but that's because I've only seen flatter ones. I figured with Sarah and the Volls and opening the safe, and a lot of Biwa-wallowing, that she could give us a Maybe or rule that out. I just haven't seen enough pearls...

Do we know anyone in Ontario, Blaire?
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Hi Lisa, What does that mean exactly.I am new to this so Biwa doesn't mean anything to me yet.Is this good news,I looked up some information on Biwa and it didn't sound so good,Maybe in the wrong web site.I hope the experts can shed more light on this and give me some directions cause I sure am lost.LOL Help
Not a thing wrong with Biwa! They're a special pearl, cultivated in a lake in Japan called Lake Biwa, which eventually became so polluted that the molluscs that produced the pearls couldn't thrive. Because of that, and a big die off, the lake isnt producing anymore, so the Biwa pearls that exist are valued.

However, the Chinese took the mollusc that produced this kind of pearl and started cultivating it in freshwater lakes in China, and they produce pearls, soooo...

If you've got provenance (proof that the pearls actually came from Lake Biwa), you've got a niche market. Without that provenance, you've got a pretty freshwater pearl. Nothing wrong with that, either!

Another thing we're dancing around is whether your pearls could be natural, meaning they were grown without any help from humans, ie not cultivated. Natural pearls are rare, and expensive, sometimes very expensive and have a sort of reverence associated with them in some circles.

I'm going to suggest you go over to www.kojimapearls.com. Sarah has a blog and she recently posted about a cache of Biwa pearls that were unearthed in a pearling family vault. I'm going over there to look at those Biwas again.

Or, we could go up to the search button at the top of the page and searchBiwa and see if Sarah's recent post pops up fast...
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I'm in love with the enhancer/ focal bit part of the necklace. The styling resembles 50s-60s jewellery of which I own a couple of pieces. I couldnt tell you more than that really as I am no expert. Hopefully more experts will chime in on this one but it's a treasure.
Ok, I tried the search button for Biwas, and while educational, I think you should go to KojimaPearl website first, read Sarah's blog, then come back to pearl guides Biwa threads.
You are awesome Lisa.I will pop over there tomorrow.I have been looking at the different posts and have been feasting on the information available on this site.There is so so much.I think I found true love.I am loving the different images and who knew pearls were this fascinating..If I saw those natural pearls I would have thought them fake as I thought all pearls were round.Unfortunately I have to work tomorrow or I would be up all night reading and lurking.Thank you so much again.I will be just happy to know what these are and the bonus is all these wonderful knowledgeable people who jumped in to help me.Big hugs coming your way
I'm glad I caught you! Go to May 2, 2011 on Sarah's blog at the KojimaPearls website. That's where she starts talking about the "forgotten" safe and Biwas. I'm headed back there now.
Thank you for adding your bits.I think it looks like the 50's as well.Elegant and refined,I fell in love with it for sure now that I own it and that's what made me come to you all for help,opinions and knowledge.I always am interested in the history of most things.I am not sure but it feels magical when I hold it my hand.Odd yes but feels safe and reassuring somehow.I promise I am not a kook.LOL Will check out your Etsy shop tomorrow Adeline.
Thanks, I'll take those hugs! Tell me about being up all night reading on Pearl Guide!!! I love this place and these people - welcome aboard!
Welcome to the club Helen. You have a real treasure no matter what type the pearls turn out to be.
Hi Dave, no pun intended but a good one, and a good laugh nonetheless!

Wish we could see this necklace in person, or in a side-by-side with a whole bunch of the Voll's Biwas. I hadn't pictured how small they were before Helen posted the size. I'm on the fence, but now tipping toward Biwa.... but they're so plump and tiny (tipping away - did they ever harvest Biwa that small?)...And yet, I think too early for the little Chinese pearls we've come to know???
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Lovely necklace! And a fun mystery :)

Can any of the PG with experience in vintage pearls chime in?

- Karin
Hello and thank you Karin for the heads up.. I had my pearl-guide brain stuck in conch pearl farming ;)
And welcome Helen!
Given what I can see from the photos, I lean towards Chinese fresh water, somehow those particular gold beads also tilt me in that direction. They definetly COULD be pearls from Japans Lake Biwa.. It is very hard to say with out either a tonne of very good photos or holding them in front of me. The neckkace looks like it is VERY good condition, which means it was rarely worn, or restrung. I would be interested to know if the pearls on any or all of the strands have room to move, or are they still tightly strung together? If they do move, could there be a photo of the side of a pearl, or better yet any places on any of the pearls where there is a dip in the surface (i.e. A place where the pearls may fold , or not have such uniform "plumpness". Flaws are generally the tell tale markers.
I do not THINK they are natural pearls, and I am only basing that on the style of the necklace.. So I am between Chinese and Biwa on what I can see. Maybe a photo closeup of how the thread attaches to the clasp, are there little metal cups that the thread is knotted into before it attaches to the clasp? Are there soldered rings on the clasp for each strand, or does each strand simply loop around a bar underneath the leaf work? I know these questions are a "stretch" in terms of determining provenance, but if we can narrow down how long ago it was made, or where it was probably strung it may help a bit.
I will ask Fuji to have a look when he wakes up.. Maybe he will recognize it ;)
You are in good hands Helen, everyone asked great questions.. And I am glad that this has brought you to enjoy pearls in general in all their different forms.
Cheers, Sarah
I'm late to the party, but my first impression with a modern clasp and style, is that they are freshwater pearls from China. And like others, I also thought they could be Biwas, but that would be very hard to prove. A lot of non-Biwa pearls were sold as Biwas in the heyday of Biwa production. I'm guessing that it was an expensive necklace at the time of purchase. Thanks for sharing. :cool:
Thank you so much.I am overwhelmed at how everyone has jumped in to help demystify this necklace.I am sure it is only a matter of time and much better pictures.Have a fab day Marianne.
Hi there Gem Geek,I have no idea how expensive it was and have no idea about provenance other than what I was told..I never thought in a million years it was so complicated.I have read the horror stories about pearl appraisers so that is why I am here.The voice of many is better than one.Until I can find someone close by in Ontario that specializes in pearls that I could take it to but even then I would like to be a little bit on the ball.This necklace will either be my daughters or granddaughters depending on the value.
Hi Sarah love your webite.Very elegant and informative.
I borrowed a 10x magnifier and here is what I can see,
There are 8 strands, and on either side there are 3 loops and one in the middle.The one in the middle has pearls on either side of it and that is the only one that looks like that.
They are round and quite thick,they resemble the old fashioned loops cemented onto the wall used for prisoners in the old days.
There are metalic threads gold wrapped around each string that looks like gold metal rather than string.
Each first pearl is knotted at the ends and then no more knots throughout the necklace.
There is some play especially around the gold beads.I would say that the play allowance is 1 to a max of 2 pearls depending on the string. Perhaps when my friend comes I will be able to photograph this.
On the clasp I found a Y and an asian symbol right beside it.Looks like this is the hallmark on the clasp.Not sure if this means anything to anyone.I don't think this was worn all that much.I remember only seeing it on my Mom maybe 3 times.Will send photo later on.

Thanks so much everyone.

I agree.You have been at it much longer than I but I can see why this forum has such high participation.
Sensory and information overload but yet so stimulating...Have a good day.Hopefully I will be able to post some pictures later.Thanks for the extremely warm welcome.Are all pearl people so nice and giving!!! Hugs