What is your favorite pearl necklace length?

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I didn't think this deserved it's own post but it is a style question. Whats your favorite pearl necklace length?
Casey.R said:
I didn't think this deserved it's own post but it is a style question. Whats your favorite pearl necklace length?

IMO, it does! (deserve a new thread, that is)

And for my answer: anything that happens to be there and beckon ! :cool:

I feel best in a rope of small pearls for often day-wear. They seem to go with everything... they also forgive being knotted, twisted, hung with pendants. Two chains of similar length (about 1m, give or take) get often worn together. But also twisted as bracelets, twisted or braided together, pinned to or over the shoulder :rolleyes: You get the picture - poor pearls!

Earrings - in general - are my 'can't leave house without' staple... necklaces come in on a rainy day (like this).
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PearlStruck.com said:
"The 1940s saw the rise of rose gold as platinum (very popular in the 20s & 30s) and it's less pricey alternative white-gold became scarce as they or their components went into the war effort"

"Cocktail rings with large, semi-precous stones became the thing to have."

Thanks for the great information. Where did you find all that?.

I am into antique jewelry and I like to research things I'm into so that came from various things I've read, seen and the part about the use of what was left around in the US during WWII was from an Antique's Roadshow I watched on PBS.
I think it should get a new thread too. I am moving it now, presto chango!
I have a 60" rope of small 5-6mm white pearls that is my most versatile piece, but lately I just have to wear my lavender freshadamas everywhere.
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I have a rope, too! Also about 6mm. I hardly wear it anymore. I should pull it out again. I like an 18" and a 20", really. 16" just aren't for me. Maybe I'm just nuts, but they way they hit me, it seems to trigger a gag reflex in me.
Caitlin Williams said:
I have a 60 rope of small 5-6mm white pearls ....

You mean, 60 inches !!? That's HUGE! How do you wear the thing!?
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I like them 14-18" or long ropes . My long rope of 8-9mm with "here-there" some 11-13mm I wear often - tied , twisted, gathered with funky clasps (casual style). 30-36" ones are not for me - I never know how to hang them not on my neck and not feel like my own grandmother....
Valeria101 said:
You mean, 60 inches !!? That's HUGE! How do you wear the thing!?

I just measured mine and it is also a 60 inch rope. It's not as intimidating as it sounds. I haven't worn it in years. But, in my younger days, I wore it as is, just plain old thrown around my neck - sometimes draped in front, sometimes draped in back. I also liked to double it and triple it. I never really got into knotting it but, you could do that, too. They're just 5mm freshwaters. They've seen a lot of abuse.
I prefer either 16" for formal events or a 48" rope wrapped twice for casual wear. It also depends what type of pearl it is and what I'm wearing.
xeresana said:
I just measured mine and it is also a 60 inch rope. It's not as intimidating as it sounds.

You girls have just made 40 inches of pearls sound 'short'! :p GOOOD! Sounds like an assignment, even ;)
Here's mine. The flash went off so its worse than my usual pictures. These are cammercial grade pearl with a fantastic luster. they are a bit buttony in the photos less easy to see that while wearing them.


  • small5-mm white strand 001.jpg
    small5-mm white strand 001.jpg
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18 inch is probably perfect for me, but I suppose I wouldn't mind going a bit longer. I bought some of those white baroques ( June special) from PP and had a couple pearls taken off for earrings, which left me with a necklace roughly 16 inches and I'm really liking. It goes well with higher collars.
Hmm, that is a tough one. My ropes(60 inch) I tend to wear doubled or tripled, depending on what I am wearing. But I love 16 inch ones. Great under collars, elegant on my neck. If I wear something strapless, I think the 18s just seem a bit long.
I agree that the 16" best with strapless frocks. That length seems to balance everything out the best!
This is kind of a cross-over topic -- mystery clasps. You all know now my fetish is knotting and clasps. My aversion to mystery clasps comes from the undue stress they place on the strand; i.e., twisting. And cleaning mystery clasps to restring? What a nightmare! But you all seem to use them with ease. Should I incorporate them into my style? What kind of drilling do I need to do to prepare a pearl for the clasp? And, has anyone ever used a pigtail? Thanks!
Knotty- You're absolutely right about the twisting on the strand, and I have noticed the wear on the silk, but the look is so seamless I dub them: Worth It! :p As much as I like all the different variations on clasps I really do prefer an uninterrupted line of pearls...

As far as drilling the pearls for the mystery clasps, you actually need to be able to drill the pearls at close to 2.5-3.0mm which is stressful on smaller pearl sizes. Really, I wouldn't go any smaller than the 9-10m. The threads are then epoxied into place...
Ashley said:
I have to say that after a year of wearing all of them, the 20" is my favorite... Due to the larger size of the pearls, this length hangs perfectly on my frame just a teeny bit lower than the 18" and looks really unique! :D

I am not alone! I thought I was the only person in the world who prefered that length! I do like ropes for drama and layering (as well as playing with and admiring the pearls :D ) but for a simple strand, 20" is my favorite.