What is most important to you when choosing pearls?

I'd say for me I don't even look at pearls unless the size and color are right. I only start prioritizing after these two criteria are met. Tentatively:

1. Price
2. Color/overtone
3. Size
4. Luster
5. Orient
6. Surface
7. Shape

But having said that any of the above can kill the deal for me. I hardly return pearls I buy online because I know what to expect - if it's AA+ I don't expect AAA quality, but if something is not what it's stated to be e.g. fleabay purchases I'd rather not risk it. I haven't been too disappointed so far apart from Chinese sizing.
I agree with Ashley on these:

1) Luster- Surface brilliance
2) Orient!
3) Depth- I like to feel that I can gaze into the pearl and see the glow from within... I believe someone else on the forum used to call this 'Water', so I am not sure about the accuracy of the term, but it fits!
4) Color- preferably something rare / exotic

Blemishes don't bother me that much unless we are expecting top quality pearls to be nearly flawless.
To me, there is a difference of expectations depending apon what grade you are buying.
There is nothing more unattractive then a pearl so lackluster it is dull.

Luster is certainly my most important factor.
Followed by Orient and Depth.
Followed by Overtones and Color.
Followed by Blemishes.
and then lastly, shape.

To me, it doesn't matter what shape a pearl is as long as it is beautiful.
1. Price/ Reputation
2. Orient/ Luster: I love pearls with rainbow orient and good luster.
3. Color/ Overtone: my favorite is white with pink overtone
4. Shape/ Surface.
5. Size: I like big pears. Anyway, to me, small pearls are lovely too ;)
6. Pearl Type. I prefer south sea & Tahitian for ring, earrings & pendent.
7. Length/ Design/ Clasp: I like graduated strand (18?-20?).

Oh, yes, thanks Ashley.
Water/depth I adore.
And yes, it is there on Cortez pearls.
Yes- it does appear that I need to save for at least one of Douglas' treasures ;)

I see alot of depth in tissue-nuc White Freshwater pearls too. I'll sit down and start matching cards of AA+ Buttons and after 15 minutes of staring at all the different shades of white, the quality of the crystal really pops out at you!
wow i really have much to learn about pearls :o

i've been looking at my mikis and i can't see the orient, only the overtones....
v_ni said:
i've been looking at my mikis and i can't see the orient, only the overtones....

I don't think Akoya are very good at that - there's a reason why these pearls are so noted fo lustre and orient is never mentioned ;) Besides, it isn't very striking on round pearls on any kind - the wavy surface of baroque pearls makes orient very obvious.
The only orient I have ever seen on akoyas is on baroque akoyas.
Here is a necklace I recently restrung for a friend. It is a 1950's baroque akoya and has some nice orient.


  • Kathys pearlsbcropped 021.jpg
    Kathys pearlsbcropped 021.jpg
    18.2 KB · Views: 101
I'd say, so far, as I am new to this, I desire:

1. Solid Nacre and Luster--a tie for #1
2. Size (size that suits me)
3. Shape (right now looking for baroques)
4. Overtone/Color/Orient
6. Price

Wow! Hard to rank! With the exception of price, it's really a tie for 1-4, those qualities are all so important.
For me, price is #1. If I'll never be able to afford it, no use thinking about it. I just get forlorn and angry at all the people who can afford it. :o I find I'm much happier sticking with things that fit in the "someday you'll be able to own one of those" categories. (For example, no use in me thinking round South Seas or big, round Tahitians are the perfect pearls...)

After that, my rankings fall into the same ranges as most of yours. :)
Still trying to figure out this one!

So far...

1. Lustre / Orient (is there such thing as a dull pearl with great orient?)

2. Blemishes (can put up with some if condition #1 is met with flying colors, like circles - circled pearls look like something off a potter's wheel ;))

That's it. Haven't met a size, shape or color of pearl I didn't like, as long as the two above are met.

One more thing: no nuclei please. :o Since this ain't a matter of life and death exactly, I haven't worked out any reason for this - the 'whole' ones feel better... whatever that means. And I am alreay wavering :rolleyes:

And no treatment: not wavering on this bit yet.

Well...that's pretty much what I look for. We are like pearl twins. :)


My priorities depend on what kind of pearls:

Tahitians rounds:
1) Luster
2) Blemishes
3) Color - no silver/gray nor white.
4) orient
5) shape
6) Size - prefer anywhere b/t 8mm - 11mm

Tahitian baroques:
1) Luster
2) Color
3) Orient
4) Blemishes
5) size
6) shape

1) Luster
2) Blemishes
3) Color - prefer non-white or rare color
4) Orient
5) Size - prefer > 8mm. For rope, 7mm

South Seas:
No comment, I can't afford it...yet. :D

Sea of Cortez:
Not familiar enough.

Other exotic (conch, abalone):
Very nice, but not a priority right now, so I don't want to think about it.

I have too much on my mind right now deciding how many other Tahitians & FW items to be lined up on my wishlist. :D
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Here I am, just back from Hanalei Bay Resort in Kauai, trying to catch up on my PG posts!

What a wonderfully detailed description, HanaleiMom! :D

For me, after I figure out if I can afford the pearls, it's lustre/orient and blemishing. On baroques, if the blemishing has lustre, it doesn't count. ;)

I missed you guys. :cool: