What glue to use on pearl earring post

Since we're on the subject, I came across this clamp which looks like a brilliant device to ensure proper positioning. View attachment 76120
I think an old fashioned wooden clothes pin with a V cut out of it might also do the trick.

Interesting! Where did you find it?
Hello Douglas

Here’s a YouTube video of the tool in use https://youtu.be/o6QGg8la5Wc

Yotsuba (Of Japanese Pearl drill fame) have them.

@JersyPearl yes your right, I have used the humble wooden clothes peg since the 70’s, very effective when doing large batches of pearl gluing.

Wow! Thank you! My first pearl drill was a Yotsuba! Great quality and worked for 20 years...but I had never seen that tool. Love the idea!
Thank you JerseyPearl, Pattye, Katbran and pearlescence for your expert input. I just use a piece of double stick tape.