What do you think the new monthly special will be at PP?


New Member
Jan 9, 2008
Just curious...how does PP determine what the monthly special is each month? Did anyone get the February bracelet special? If so, did you like it???
I'm glad I'm not the only one that starts thinking about the new special days in advance!

I bought the February pink CFWP bracelet w/ the rose gold clasp & love it! My picture taking skills do not do it justice.


About the solitaire

About the solitaire

Your solitaire pendant....does the chain go through pearl only, or does it go through with gold tubes so the chain doesn't rub against the pearl?

I had a pearl of my grandfather's put on a chain by a local jeweler and it wore down some of the nacre of the pearl. I took it to another jeweler and they put these gold tubes in the holes so the chain would not rub on the pearl itself. You can't really tell unless you look at the pearl sideways.

Just curious as to how yours was done?
well since she got hers from pearl paradise I don't think it has the tube. I have been shopping for a tahitian solitaire, and pearl outlet has the protective brackets, but pearl paradise doesn't...its conflicting for me because I think it looks better without it. hmmm.


Yes, I agree about the looks without the brackets (couldn't think of the names), but I am just sick over the damage of the pearl. I will try and take pics and show you.
Yes, I agree about the looks without the brackets (couldn't think of the names), but I am just sick over the damage of the pearl. I will try and take pics and show you.

Thank you, I would like to see! I would rather have the brackets and have no damage, than the other way around. Especially with a tahitian or south sea pearl. Hers is a freshadama, so it would not be as expensive to replace, although still a pain.
Okay, the pearl has a lot of sentiment for me. It came out of a pinky ring my grandfather wore every since I could remember. He died 36 years ago. It's just a black pearl, I'm sure not a Tahitian, but it does mean a great deal to me. I had the pearl drilled all the way through and put on a 16 inch white gold chain. I didn't realize the damage and was quite upset about it. Another jeweler used the brackets (maybe they were only available in yellow gold?). And I really don't notice the brackets when I am wearing the pearl. It has been on a necklace for a few years now.


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wow, it seems surprising that the chain caused that kind of damage. Looks like a chip was taken out. Nacre looks thick, at least does not seem like you can see the nucleus. So nice to have a family treasure like that!

When we did custom pearls on a chain at Nordstrom, we used the gold tubes, also sometimes tiny diamond rondelles on each side for a dressier look.

so many pearls, so little time
I love that bracelet!! Thanks for posting pics.

Funny story- I emailed my BF a hint about the special, and copied myself. Under price, it said $1280!! Oops. I had to give him a heads up so he didn't think I was being crazy. LOL.
Yes, I wore it a lot and the constant moving of the chain caused this. I looked at the pearl before taking to the jeweler the first time and when it was done with the hole drilled and chain attached and didn't see any problems. Then the damage occurred, and I was really upset. Just my experience, others could be different.
hmmm did you have that same chain in? I wonder if the rope chain would cause less damage than a box chain because there arent corners....
Your solitaire pendant....does the chain go through pearl only, or does it go through with gold tubes so the chain doesn't rub against the pearl?

I had a pearl of my grandfather's put on a chain by a local jeweler and it wore down some of the nacre of the pearl. I took it to another jeweler and they put these gold tubes in the holes so the chain would not rub on the pearl itself. You can't really tell unless you look at the pearl sideways.

Just curious as to how yours was done?

Hi, the chain goes through the pearl only on my solitaire. The snake chain is very smooth & I don't wear it every day, so I'm not too concerned about wear & tear. The pearl does slide easily on the chain & moves around a lot when I have it on, so I'm sure sooner or later there will be some wear around the drill holes. However, I like this look much better & it's a fun piece for me & not a family heirloom, so I'm not too worried.
I think that the snake chain might cause less wear than a box chain. I really prefer the look of the pearl without the brackets. I just emailed natalie at pearl paradise to ask her if she had ever seen that happen. Im sure if she has she will let me know.
If your Grandpa died 36 years ago that was before cultured Tahitians, I think. That could be why the nacre is so thick. The first cultured Tahitians about a thousand of them were exported in 1972, although they had been harvesting during the 1960's.

If the math is correct that was the year your Grandfather died, so that leaves no time to wear a ring- If your grandfather was not a pearl man or didn't go to Tahiti in the 60's, that pearl is not a cultured Tahitian- it would have to be a dyed akoya or a natural pearl. Could you see a bead in the drill hole?
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I just remember my grandfather always wearing the ring and I believe there are pictures of him with ring on when I was just a baby and I was born in 1960. My grandmother kept the ring, and when she died in 1982, my sister received the pearl ring. She took the pearl out and just kept it stored for many years. She gave it to me about 3 years ago.

I can't see anything inside since I can't get the chain off without taking it apart. It really doesn't matter to me what kind of pearl it is, just holds a lot of sentimental value. It's about 7mm in size.