What can you tell me about this piece?


New Member
Apr 15, 2007
I am trying to find out something about a pearl pendant that I have. It is on a 14k gold setting and has about 8 pearls. I do not know if they are cultured or natural pearls. I can not find anything like it. I am not a pearl expert. Can some one help me? I can provide pics if needed.
Hi Michelee,

Could you post some images of the pendant in question? That would go a long way towards helping everyone on the forum get a good idea of what you're dealing with! :D
pearl pendant

pearl pendant

Thanks for responding. I will get the pics and get them posted
pearl pendant

pearl pendant

Here are my picts of the pendant.


  • Pearl pictures 012.jpg
    Pearl pictures 012.jpg
    10.3 KB · Views: 96
  • Pearl pictures 002.jpg
    Pearl pictures 002.jpg
    11.3 KB · Views: 95
Like it a lot. My aesthetic preference, too: all about the pearls—very elegant. Would definitely consider purchasing if discovered at retail. Looks like 5-7mm Akoya, with impressive rose overtones (assuming untreated). I suppose the pros here will need to know provenance as well to get a better read.

They appear to be cultured pearls based on the roundness and bright white color.
pearl pendant

pearl pendant

Thanks for responding so quickly. Should I get an appraisal on it to find out its worth as well as weather the pearls are cultured of not? An if I should, does anyone know a could appraiser? I live in Oregon (no one may know any one here, If not the best place to get this information other than the telephone book. Tried that.
Hi Micheleefree,

I'm here in Oregon also, and was referred by folks on this forum to Sharon Wakefield of Northwest Gemological Lab in Boise Idaho. She is trained in pearl appraisal. I had a number of pieces done.

Her phone number is 208 362-3938
Email: sharon@gem-science.com

The safest way to send jewelry of high value is via registered mail and insured. Although you could probably take it in person if you wish! Sharon will go over that with you. I was very pleased with the thoroughness of her work and her top credentials. And pleased with the cost also.

Your piece is beautiful, and probably made for the American market as it is in 14k. Just gorgeous pearls! I hope you wear it often!

so many pearls, so little time
pearl pendant

pearl pendant

At the risk of sounding stupid, what is an enhancer? I am new to this. Does it mean that it is part of a strand of beads, than yes. If that is not what it means than I have no idea.
Hi Again,

It just means that the bail (the part that goes over the pearls) opens to slip over the pearls, or chain. It then has a locking mechanism to reclose it and keep the pendant secure.

so many pearls, so little time
pearl pendant

pearl pendant

Yes it is an enhancer. I am enjoying learning new thing about the pearls. These pearls where given to my son and he is curious about what anyone here would say it was worth just by the picture. An jeweler said that he would put a price of $350.00 if he had it in his shop. I am going to have it appraised and then my son may want to put it up for sale (I would like to keep it, but he is not going for that.) Thanks for all of the assistance thus far.
Hi Michelee,
I think it's beautiful, and would love to buy it - along with a few others, I think !
pearl pendant

pearl pendant

I am going today to see about getting it appraised. I would love to hear offers seeing as my son is set on selling it. I am very amazed at how intricate and complex pearls are. I never new they were so interesting. Thanks again for all of the help. I will get back to everyone on the appraisal.
Hello again, Micheleefree,

Are you planning on keeping the pearl necklace? Or is it one you already own? If it was given at the same time as the pendant/enhancer, it would be wise to have it appraised also, as there are many pearls on it, and if high quality cultured pearls, it could have a value considerably higher than that of the pendant.

As you may have realized as you read on this forum, knowing the history of the piece, if possible, is most helpful, such as when and where purchased, who it was given to and such. Of course, that is not always known.

I think investing in an appraisal from a qualified person is a wise investment, even if you decide to purchase it from your son! Hey, Mother's Day is coming up!! He might want to give you a really amazing gift!!!

so many pearls, so little time
Your enhancer is absolutely gorgeous and you are fortunate to have it. If you do decide to sell it, know it will go to a good home who will treasure it as much as you do.
pearl pendant

pearl pendant

sorry it has taken me so long to reply. I did not look at the second page. I am having the necklace appraised with the pendant. The necklace's pearls are of less quality then the pendant. I am going in today (hopefully) to have it appraised to find out the worth of both. The necklace has to damaged pearls, which is why I did not show it in the picture because I was told that it was not worth much or worth appraising. It is pretty though. You can only see the breaks if you are really examining it. If you have questions, feel free to ask. I will make sure I check the second page this time HA HA.
Hi all! I am still working on the apprasial. It is taking a long time. My son does want to sell it, so as soon as he gets the apprasial we can let everyone know. Thanks


I have finished the appraisal and we are going to sell it. If there is any one interested please email me. Have a great day!:D