Well...I wish they were mine...


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2011
I thought I'd drop this photo in this spot ...they aren't mine...they are Paspaleys ...they offered to let me wear them ...I was afraid I might make a run for the door ... but I'm quite slow so that wouldn't have had a happy ending .

So I'm in Sydney this past weekend for dear ol Johns 70th birthday celebration and I dragged him into the Paspaley store ....well...Oh My Lord .... truly remarkable pearls. These caught my eye ...15-19mm ...and they were very sweet about letting me photograph anything I wanted .. so for your enjoyment ..lovers of round WSS ..get the bibs out ...DROOL ALERT ! IMG_1406.jpg
Those are fabulous, Kat!! Did you find out their secret to "invisible stringing"? I carefully examined a Paspaley strand belonging to a Ruckus attendee this summer, but didn't get a clue to how it's done. I'm glad they were so nice to you and let you take the photos.
What a gorgeous strand! How nice of Paspaley to let you bring us a closeup photo; did you tell them where it was going :) ? Brings to mind the stunning strand owned by our own BAS!
Wow they are stunning! Did you try them on? Paspaley have the most incredible pearls.
I've never been inside - I'm too scared! But the Collins street store in Melbourne always has amazing window displays so I do stop and ogle whenever I walk past.

I LOVE the mop designs. They are gorgeous. And the lavalier collection. I would not turn my nose up at any paspaley piece!







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Holy Wow! Those are amazing.

I really like the Mother of Pearl pieces. Greg calls it Mother of Shell and can't figure out quite what's wrong with that. He's not exactly wrong.
That's right - Sheri's cephalopods are da BEST!!!!!! Wwhheeeeeee!!!
Thanks for sharing Katbran. Those are incredible.

Am now regretting that I didn't take a pic of an amazing Tahitian and ssp color graduated strand that I tried at the recent Singapore jewellery show... that was a pretty amazing strand, all pearls about 15.6/8(?) mm, great luster and color and clean surfaces. Couldn't afford it but couldn't resist trying. Luckily I knew the vendor well and they were very kind to let me try.
Thank you for the eye candy katbran. :)