WE WON! Who wants to go to Fiji? :)


Pearl Paradise
Jun 22, 2004
We did it! We won!!!!

Check it out here!!!

On December 28th, Blaire Beavers (GemGeek) is going to come up from San Diego and draw the winner and the runner up out of a hat! Somebody here is going to Fiji!

Comment on this thread if you want your name in that hat :)

But please!

1. Be a current and active member of this community (don't join to enter)

2. Please agree to take photos, videos and "take us all with you on the trip" and give us all a full write-up

3. Please agree to go or get everything reserved within six months or let the trip go to the runner up

4. Please agree to have the most exciting PEARL TRIP OF A LIFETIME!

Merry Christmas!!!
OMG AGREED AGREED AGREED AGREED!!!!!! Can't wait til the 2nd drawing!!! Thank you for the 2nd opportunity Jeremy!!!!!!!!
this is so exciting that someone here will get to go!!!! I really, really, really want to go!!!!!! Please put my name down- I would LOVE to go and would promise to document everything and take copious photos and videos!!!! I am a huge J Hunter fan and have never been to Fiji, but if I don't get picked I'm excited that someone here will get to go and we'll see the trip vicariously through her (or him):cool:
thank you so much for the chance, Jeremy. Merry Christmas to you and Hisano!
I agree to everything! Please enter me in the drawing! This is great news for some pearl lover here!
Well done! Count me in, I agree to all terms.
Yay Jeremy! This is so awesome!! Very generous of you. Agreed and agreed and Agreed!
Please put my name in that hat! :)
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Wonderful! I agree to the conditions; please add my name to that hat!
Sad I didn't win the first round (bought my three tickets), but glad I have a second chance! Member since 2011, absolutely promise to take photos, videos, reserve within 6 months, and have an amazing time... Crossing my fingers SO SO MUCH!
Sad I didn't win the first round with my 3 tickets, but glad there might be a second chance, yet! I agree to all the terms, and the idea of taking photos in such a glorious place would be an absolute dream!
Thank you, Jeremy, for giving us all a second chance!

Sign me up, please.

I had bought one losing ticket, and I probably would have done all the conditions you state anyway.
Well, see ... I knew if I bought a number of tickets, it would give everyone else a better chance LOL!

Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed! Please put my name in that hat ... with Hugs and THANKS to Jeremy and Hisano :)
Thank you Jeremy and Hisano for purchasing the tickets and giving us a chance. Thanks Blaire for taking the trip to LA to draw a name. We agree to the terms. Happy Holidays to everyone!!!

PS: We love taking pictures of pearls.
I would like to enter, it'll be my second trip and I'll have a better grasp on what to look for this time around hehe. Agreed to your conditions.
Funnily, I just got my tickets in the mail today.

Blaire -- please pull my name out of the hat!!!!

Your conditions are more than reasonable, Jeremy. And thank you for the second opportunity to win.
Jeremy, you are the most generous and thoughtful person I know! What a great community you have created here. I would love to be entered into the contest to visit the pearl farm in Fiji, and of course, I would take the most beautiful photographs and write a travel log that would make you weep! Thanks.
LillieFuzzySocks would like a chance to enter your drawing please. Congratulations on winning big the trip Jeremy and Hisano.