WE WON! Who wants to go to Fiji? :)

Well, I'm not exactly actively posting, but actively reading - every day - hope that counts as well. So yes please count me in - thanks! And of course I agree to the conditions.
Lisa I knew "atoll", loads of those in South Pacific, but will have to look up "atall"!
I'm assuming here that he's talking about connecting flights from within America .... So just to further complicate things .. could you please ask how they will handle foreigners given that several people in the drawing don't live in the USA. I mean I'm half way there already.. lol

[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]It will be fine. A ticket to Fiji from Australia is cheap. From France expensive, but let's just hope for the best. Bo[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]Bo Perry[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]Cultured Pearl Association Of America[/FONT][/FONT]
You guys are a hoot!

Kath, Mom'll just hand you a floor fan and smile hopefully.

Purry, no need to look it up, although with the internet nothing is too obscure ;-).
"Atall, atall" is just the way my great-grandmother used to say "at all, at all". She came to the USA from Germany, but learned how to speak English from the Irish kitchen- and house-maids in a Great House in Albany, where she worked in the kitchens as well. I thought she was Irish most of my life!
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After much thinking, would you please add me to the list? I went to Arabia alone when I was 13, Mexico alone for the summer when I was 15, to India, alone, when I was 65, I know I can do this easier than any of those trips! If I win, I promise to write and take pictures of everything- I'll keep my iPhone on "dictate" the whole time!
Maybe you can contrive a lanyard or harness for your cell phone, keep it on your chest all the time?

how could you muffle the background noise of your own body?

Maybe you could try to RENT GoogleGlasses? There has to be a way to do this for non-pro, not-well off folks...most of the world market isn't well off, but it's big...
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Use a GoPro! They come with straps to wear them in all sorts of ways. (it's what I will do if I am lucky enough to be picked). Plus, you will have a +1, so perhaps they can be convinced to take pictures if you become too overwhelmed with pearly distraction to document for posterity and the vicarious pleasure of all of us at home.
Wonderful! I knew PearlGuiders could answer if I put out the question. Thanks CMD! So that's a GoPro, huh?
and Floridapearls, welcome! Glad you came in, out of the shadows
After much thinking, would you please add me to the list? I went to Arabia alone when I was 13, Mexico alone for the summer when I was 15, to India, alone, when I was 65, I know I can do this easier than any of those trips! If I win, I promise to write and take pictures of everything- I'll keep my iPhone on "dictate" the whole time!

Alone?! This is a trip for two! You have to take someone with you (or choose someone else to go with you :) )
me me me! Anyone who wins please choose me if hub/bf doesn't want to go!!

BTW Jeremy, will there be scuba opportunities included like when you and Hisano dove the oyster line?
I am PADI certified so hope to dive the oyster lines if I get selected! :o
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me me me! Anyone who wins please choose me if hub/bf doesn't want to go!!

BTW Jeremy, will there be scuba opportunities included like when you and Hisano dove the oyster line at Jewelmer?
I am PADI certified so hope to dive the oyster lines if I get selected! :o

I am sure they could arrange that. When Hisano and I were at Justin's farm we all put tanks on and dove - even the three people in our group that were not certified.
I am sure they could arrange that. When Hisano and I were at Justin's farm we all put tanks on and dove - even the three people in our group that were not certified.
Not sure I'm that brave...since I don't like getting my hair wet (it takes a LONG time to make it straight) but wow, what an opportunity for those who do dive!
Wonderful! I knew PearlGuiders could answer if I put out the question. Thanks CMD! So that's a GoPro, huh?
and Floridapearls, welcome! Glad you came in, out of the shadows

Yup! All those first person perspective action videos are taken with GoPro cameras. They are tiny and can be mounted onto helmets, ski poles, bike handlebars, or on a chest strap. You can even buy cases that are waterproof for surfing and diving. DH and my dad use the one I bought my dad for skiing. The picture quality is amazing. They take audio too so you have to be careful that you don't forget it's on you. We've gotten some amazing (and some really funny) videos. Thankfully you can edit them later. But iPhones take pretty good videos too.
Well, I'm NOT putting my name on the list, I just wanted to thank Jeremy and Hisano for their incredible generosity to fellow P-Gers and to say I can't wait to share the Fiji adventure through the forum.

Make sure that GoPro is working!!