Want to buy pearl necklace for my wedding


New Member
Jun 22, 2007
Hallo! I am new here! :)

I am interested in purchasing a pearl necklace for my wedding to match my dress (traditional natural white), and have many, many questions! Maybe someone can help me?? :D

Has anyone purchased a pearl necklace for this purpose and have suggestions on the kind of pearl? I have looked at Freshwater and Akoya since they are white, but cannot determine which would be better??

I have started to look in different jewelry stores and online as well and have noticed a big difference. How much of a mark up should I expect there to be on a pearl necklace I purchase at a retail store versus one bought online? I understand that retail stores need to pay rent, but I see that the cost can be like 3 times the amount online. :eek: I want quality but I only want to pay for quality, know what I mean?

Another thing, a friend of mine suggested I buy some pearl strands myself and make a necklace and bracelet set. Any thoughts?? I am not sure about this but maybe it would be cheaper?

I was told at one jewelry store that pearls pink in tone are the best. Is that true? I am afraid that will look bad with my dress.

Thank you to anyone that can help me. I know I have so many questions but I want to get the right necklace for my big day!

:) Claire
Clairew said:
Hallo! I am new here! :)

Has anyone purchased a pearl necklace for this purpose and have suggestions on the kind of pearl? :) Claire

Hello back! And congratulations on your upcoming marriage.

Everyone here has purchased every kind of pearl for every purpose imaginable. The question is, what do you want? We each have our opinion, but what's right for us may not be right for you.

1. Mark-up. You will never know what your retailer's mark-up is, so don't worry about it. If the purchase price is within your budget and the product pleases you, then make your purchase.

2. If you decide to make your own and this is your first experience making jewelry, go to your local bead store and ask for guidance and assistance in construction. They will be happy to help you.

3. Color is also your preference. Most people go by skin tone, but if you are worried about the pearls clashing with your dress then by all means go with your dress color.

Hope this has helped a bit. I'm sure you will receive lots of other responses.
Clairew said:
Another thing, a friend of mine suggested I buy some pearl strands myself and make a necklace and bracelet set. Any thoughts?

Well, are these an one-off dress accessory or you intend to make use of the pearls more seriously than that?

DIY may not allow the greatest results since high quality pearls are rarely available loose for beading. What best could be achieved like this, Caitlin should know way better. Hope she sees this thread :) Have you seen the 'Beaders' Club' forum here? There even was a 'how to' thread recently that may fit your question one on one.

I don't think that the pink overtone is a matter of quality - more a matter of taste and popularity. IMO at least.

Between akoya and high quality freshwater pearls there has been a TON of talk in favor of the letter around here. And there are a word or two about what makes either kind good, bad or ugly too (thin nacre & treatments for akoya, treatments for freshwater... in a word). You may want to look a bit to get your own impression of the goods and sources folks talk about ;)

Congratulations for the upcoming wedding!
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I have started to look in different jewelry stores and online as well and have noticed a big difference. How much of a mark up should I expect there to be on a pearl necklace I purchase at a retail store versus one bought online? I understand that retail stores need to pay rent, but I see that the cost can be like 3 times the amount online. I want quality but I only want to pay for quality, know what I mean?

If you're looking for quality as well as price, your best bet is a reputable on-line business. Yes, jewelry store prices will be 3x more expensive, often more.

I was told at one jewelry store that pearls pink in tone are the best. Is that true? I am afraid that will look bad with my dress.

With a wedding dress, most often a white without a significant rose overtone, or even slight ivory/cream color tends to look best with it. A silver overtone is a great option as well. If you can, bring your wedding dress into the local jewelers and compare the body and overtone colors to the material. And as already pointed out, your taste is what matters most.

I have looked at Freshwater and Akoya since they are white, but cannot determine which would be better??

A high end freshwater strand can be indistinguishable from an Akoya strand, and is usually the best price-vs-look option. Akoya pearls are still the most valued overall.
Hi, I bought akoyas ( 6-7mm) for my wedding but If I were making a similar purchase again I would probably buy a strand of good quality freshwaters.
Hi Claire

I strongly recommend you not try to make your wedding necklace for your first project---unless you have time to spare.

You probably could get a beautiful strand of loose pearls from Terry up above, but stringing it up is the least of it. You'd have to find a decent clasp and get other supplies.

I suggest you check out pearl websites (I really trust anyone who posts here) The Pearl Outlet, Pearl Paradise are two good ones to start with. (and I don't work for either one)

I think you can get a top quality Freshwater for about what an better than average Akoya would cost. If you like the akoya "bling" factor, go with that, but be sure you get it from the best possible source, ie someone like the two I mentioned above. I myself would prefer a freshadama quality freshwater, but that is just me. As others have said, It's your day, you go with what you really like best.

A word of warning, don't even try to buy an excellent quality freshwater in a store. The only place I know where to get ones as beautiful as akoyas is through the guys on this site.

Good luck and let us know.
I love the freshwaters, especially freshadamas. However, depending on the color of your wedding dress and the amount of luster you want, Akoya is definitely a good choice as well, albeit more expensive. I like freshwaters for everyday wear, but if I ever do get hitched I'd want a double or triple strand Akoya that is brilliant white just for the effect.
There must other sources of nice freshwater pearls, well chosen akoya etc. Just not that I would know of beyond the dozen or so I heard of or shared already around here. And my locals would be of no use (far)...

There is a glitch with the akoya vs. freshwater choice ... in the top price range for freshwater, akoya of the same size would not be anything to write home about (unless to complain!). And the nice freshwater ones that also happen to be round, unblemished etc. are not very common at all. Not that you never see them anywhere, just not so many jewelry shops bother. You will have made a 'find' with a strand.

Not sure if anyone still goes around boasting 'my pearls are akoya' anymore. With some doubtful produce sold for not very much at all under the label (just go to Ebay and type 'akoya' then stand back for the flood of $.99 -ers!) ... wonder how much 'bling' there is to the name anymore.

Not that many would rather tell you 'these are freshwater pearls, you know'. And the same FleaBay exercise applies... unfortunately.

The conversation items of the pearl range seem to be elsewhere these days.

... for what the heck does that matter. Nice pearls are what they are, name or no name.



'Nough with that. Now for the real question!:D What is your dress like? And how about the pearls? (short... long rope? definitely white? earrings??)

[PS: oups for the flood. 'Wedding' is quite the talk starter :o ]
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Just a reply to Val here, there are still some incredible Akoya strands to be had, both old and new, that are indeed "something to write home about", even when comparing them to the very best FW.

One example: We have a small supply of Akoya strands that are more than 20 years old that are truly incredible that independently appraised for more than $36,000 per strand. (9-9.5mm) And after more than 20 years, they still have their original luster and brilliant body color.

Newer, high quality Akoya pearls are still to be had, but they don't come cheaply. (ie. not 99 cent eBay bargains)

Also note that freshwater pearls are MUCH softer than Akoya pearls and will scratch much more easily. I absolutely agree with you that high-end freshwater pearls are still the better bargain for look vs price though.
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Hello Claire,

Congratulations! On that big day the sparkles in your eyes are the most important "bling."

So things that help relax you or make you feel beautiful are the best.;)

For wedding photography, I think style and size are more important than shininess of the pearls. Just for an example, the price of a 6.0-6.5 mm Akoya necklace is more than that of a 7-8 mm AAA freshwater pearl necklace. So for the same amount of money, you can get 7-8 mm freshwater pearls, which are very popular, or even upgrade to 8-9 mm pearls, both of which may look nicer on you. I am not saying the bigger the better. If the pearls are too big, they can really overwhelm the look and make people notice the pearls first (rather than your beautiful look).

Best thing to do may be wearing a dress/blouse that has similar neckline like the wedding dress and trying on pearl necklaces of different sizes and taking photographs.

The Freshadama that several poster mentioned or other freshwater pearls will last till the wedding of your children, if they are in the plans.....:)

Just for fun, here http://www.fashion-era.com/images/Wedding/1950s_weddings/1953cake.jpg is a picture of Jackie and John on their wedding day.

Congratulations again and best wishes,
The Pearl Outlet said:
Just a reply to Val here, there are still some incredible Akoya strands to be had, both old and new...

One example: We have a small supply of Akoya strands that are more than 20 years old that are truly incredible that independently appraised for more than $36,000 per strand. (9-9.5mm) And after more than 20 years, they still have their original luster and brilliant body color.

Yes, sir! The previous post is comparing fresh and akoya "up to the high range of freshwater cost" size for size - which I meant to mean about $1k /strand over 8mm or so, OK? Which is about the cost of one bead in the strand you describe.

Trying the same way of thinking the other way around: what kind of freshwater would be in the top price range for akoya, I have to think really hard of some very striking but rare and less notorious things.

I do agree that akoyas need a bit support among the freshwater enthusiasm on this tiny island of pearl fandom :o But they do have the upper hand in the real world, don't they? ;)

Would love to see your strand! The nicest akoya on my record would be quite a bit smaller, and graduated, and older. Probably not even that nice...
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pernula said:
So things that help relax you or make you feel beautiful are the best.;)

Just for fun, here http://www.fashion-era.com/images/Wedding/1950s_weddings/1953cake.jpg is a picture of Jackie and John on their wedding day. pernula

Pernula: That is about the best advice I have ever heard! Considering how the pearls photograph is very important, even more so than their price and how they look on her. Many of the pictures will only capture a bit of the dress, but all the pictures will capture her lovely face. Does it make a difference if it's akoya, fwp, or even faux! Some of those really big, round, bright and shiny faux pearls could do the trick. So, I have to agree, relax and do what makes you feel beautiful. BTW, doesn't Jackie look beautiful?
Here are the ones I wore. I bought them from Pearl Paradise :)
I still wear them often, the cats just modeling them for the photo.
HOW BEAUTIFUL! Family heirloom? Oh yeah, love the pearls too.
knotty panda said:
BTW, doesn't Jackie look beautiful?

Hi Knotty Panda: yes, she looks beautiful and very elegant in the picture. I love your assumed name of Knotty Panda, BTW. Very clever and fun.

Hi Casey: love the picture of the pearls on your cat. The cat must be very sweet to let you do that. I can't even tie a scarf on a cat.:o

You guys are funny! Cute kitty! Is the kitty available to make appearances at weddings? :p

Thank you for all of the responses and information! I have been a busy bride to be and have been able to only give pearl purchasing some of my attention!

One thing I want to know is the deal with "pure white" pearls? Do they really exist naturally? Are they rare? Or are they so white because they have been bleached or overly treated? (See, I have been doing my homework! :)

I guess I am leaning towards the Akoya kind of pearl but I am still not certain. I just gravitate towards them.

I am also thinking maybe I would give a gift of pearl jewelry to my bridesmaids. The dresses will be a deeper purple and I was thinking of non-white pearls. Like a black color. Can you get Akoyas in this color?

How much for Akoya pearl earrings is a good price to pay?

:) :)
I think going with an Akoya necklace is great for your wedding. I wore an Akoya necklace and my bridesmaids did as well.

If you want them to look really white go with silver overtone. They will appear to be very white!

Yes, Akoya pearls are bleached. This true of all of them, no matter where you buy them from.

Also, we do have black Akoya pearls and they are gorgeous but I don't recommend them with the lavender dresses because they have quite a bit of blue/green in them. You may want to stick with white pearls for your bridesmaids as well. You could do lavender pearls but that may be too much.