vintage strand identification


New Member
Jul 30, 2018
Hello, I am looking to buy a vintage strand, my nice AU South Seas' we stolen several years ago, they were also vintage, a hard to find kind :( The worst part, I never knew they were South Seas' I just liked them and wore them as they were given to me from a family member who passed them down to me,,, it was my sister who screamed I should of had insurance on them :( ugh again :( And yes it had a nice diamond clasp, I thought had fake stones so I never took it off, even slept in it, miss that necklace, it was so pretty! One in one of the links is similar in color to what is was but not in size or shape.

I could use some help as my eyesight is not as good as it used to be, these are vintage, all have gold clasps, 2 look like they could be South Sea one most likely an Akoya for sure, but not certain, is why I am asking for you expertise eyesight and knowledge.
Thank You

maybe 2.jpgmaybe 2-1.jpgmaybe 3.jpg
How awful to have had your pearls stolen! :(

It looks to me like those are all akoya pearls. The top one in particular really needs to be restrung.
Thank you Pearl Dream, so sorry I did not reply sooner, health issues, dealing with blood clot in arm... found a few others am looking at now, but not sure how high they will go, they are estate auction ones, but seem t look very nice, will attach pics at bottom of the new ones am looking at now if I stand a chance at them, the auction is high on them now I expect it to soar by tomorrow, will see, let me know what your opinion is on them, thank you again xo <3
Kathbran they were ones I was considering. But I found some much nicer ones am looking at now. I can post the URL if anyone else is interested in them as they may go above my pocket book, but they are pretty stunning and have a gem study done on them on site at the auction house. gold-1.jpg

a close up

one more
on the link if you go to the bottom and click on more from this sale, that will list what is in that estate, there is also a matching ring, yellow gold with diamonds and 10mm golden pearl at 225, this is one of my favorite auction sites as they inspect all of the items on site, and everything is top quality not junky stuff.
the site is ebth. com and search for pearl necklaces, then on the side go to auctions ending soonest and it should show them.
Thanks, I was unfamiliar with this site.

I think the pearls are a light yellow/gold color (see how much darker gold the 14K clasp is?). Is this the shade of gold you like? It may not go as high as you fear; lighter gold colors are less rare, and so less valuable, than darker gold colors.

They do look pretty. :) Good luck!

BTW the listing notes the thread is loose. If you win them, you can restring them yourself. We have tutorials on that in the Lowly Beaders Club here.
Thank you so much for the great info, I rather like the lighter color of them, they are much like the ones I had stolen, just not as vintage. But close in color. I will bid on them for sure, there are 2 others fiercely bidding on them so will see. Yes I saw the loose thread, thank you for the info for the beaders club! I am retired, and am thinking of getting a hobby as in making earrings and pendants, simple things, but something to entertain myself with! :)