Thank you so much for your replies! Well, I don't think they have ever been restrung. The clasp recently fell off on one side, my mom wanted me to fix it...well, needless to say I don't know if I should send it to Mikimoto, or just take to jeweler. Are these fairly good quality pearls, should I invest into them? I'd like to fix them proper to perhaps hang on to for my own daughter. I did read an article somewhere also that some of the miki had their logo rubbed off or covered on clasps due to war sentiment...have any of you heard of that? They are really pretty, and sort of pinkish chameleon in sunlight ! Well, as far mom and dad, I'm sure that they had a grand time in the grand scheme lol, I've lots of pictures! And well, now I am the import, or would it be export!
Thank you for responding.