vintage goldeny baroque akoya strand


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2013
here's more photos of my recent acquisition. if you see any lime green in reflections, that's probably my iphone case.
also showcased are 9.5-10mm metallic white stud earrings from PP, some off-white SSP drop earrings, and a pair of curiously colored studs that are most likely FWP ($7 ebay score). the last actually do have green overtones sometimes, although their main body color is blue-grey.

IMG 6244
IMG 6245
IMG 6246
IMG 4653

and vendor shots, much better photographs:

golden akoya strand.jpg
golden akoya strand1.jpg
golden akoya strand2.jpg
golden akoya strand3.jpg


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    IMG 6247
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Did you say your photography skills are nil? These are pretty good. Love the close-ups. Those metallic whites are screaming "ME, ME, PAY ATTENTION TO ME!" :)
there are also all kinds of iridescent overtones that neither the vendor nor i could capture at all, which is a shame. they aren't quite so buttery in all lights, and the best overtones show when the pearls are looking the least yellow and more silvery-golden, like champagne SSPs, but with FWP overtones - pinks and oranges and blues and greens. some of them are downright metallic! i just adore these and WISH i could wear them 24/7. i'd shied away from akoyas before now because of the fragility, but i'm glad to have taken a chance on this strand.
They are really, really lovely, and suit your skin perfectly.
Julie I love the picture where you have it on as a triple strand. Very nice pearl score!
Just lovely juliebeth! Yes, that strand looks fabulous tripled and those metallics are screaming "pick me, pick me!" :p Enjoy your new lovelies!
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Love love love the look of them as triple strand -
They look delicious!

thanks all! i can't stop looking at them - they're in voluptuous buttery pile here on my desk at home, just gleaming and iridesce-ing at me. everyone should have some! now i will have to hunt for matching earrings. or make them into an actual triple-strand. they're going to need restringing at some point, right? ;)