Using for tools holder??

Every now and then I spend what seems like hours sorting through, organizing and cleaning my work bench. Other wise it is a work in progress. I have one beading board I use, and one that is covered with extra everythings. There is also the floor, where my cleaning people on there every other week visit are not allowed to vacuum, and where my 6 year old is employed to pick up what drops. I have often scoured the area for that last whatever when I come up short. I do have a couple of big drawers in my bead/finding storage for tools, but the are rarely there. My loose pearls are sorted by types and have their own boxes and the strands lay on a shelf. Finished projects are on jeweler's trays which fit into the travel bag for the market each Sat. I am organized in a very disheveled, but functional for me most of the time way. It's kind of like my hair.
Thanks Caitlin and Pattye for your funny comments - indeed ice cream tastes deliciously, however using the ice cream box is working so great because the plastic is very soft and so I can squeeze it in my drawer in my special "pearl closet" with a lot of drawers. I also use tool-boxes, special small plastic boxes of all kinds and whatever I need. Everything has its place and is easy to find.
I use an old jam jar - actually jars by 3 - but this is my main one.

The advantage I think for the jar, is that they don't tip like so many other holders can do on you - and its easy access - and visibility


Other tools and findings and thread and...and..."stuff" are stored in this cabinet that I got for a big "0" birthday


I am sooooo jealous of all those cool drawers!


I ordered and received the fly fishing caddy you showed, it is terrific! Also it is on a lazy susan and very substantial. Much better solution! The Lindstrom pliers are great, but the funky spring goes between the handles, preventing them from hanging over an edge like most pliers and cutters would.

Thanks everyone for sharing your ideas and very neat work spaces!
... the funky spring goes between the handles, preventing them from hanging over an edge

Hmmm, never thought of that. I liked that jam jar idea, but alack and alas, won't work, now, will it.
Pattye, I'm glad to hear you like it! I was planning on ordering one for the hubby for his framing supplies but maybe I need to order 2!
I bought an acrylic plier holder at the local jewelry supply store last week. It is similar to this without the left portion, just the triangular and rectangular tunnel for $8.95. Their price is $12.95 but only the display was available, so I received a discounted price. It works really well. My original intention was to get their wood block with circular holes but the diameter was not large enough to hold my pliers.


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I use a wooden block that my husband drilled with holes appropriate size for all my tools : pliers, thread zapper, gauge, scissors, ect.. I love it !!