jshepherd said:
May I ask, as a consumer and a budding pearl expert, would you still feel happy, or at all taken if you had purchased an Akoya strand that day instead of a freshwater?
Well, I wouldn't call myself a budding expert, but the short answer is:
I would have been happy with akoyas.
The long answer is:
When i decided to buy pearls, I started learning about them, and found useful information on sites such as this one. When i started looking around at various retail stores in my area, I knew that all commercially available pearls are cultured, but some are solid nacre fw and some are nucleated akoyas. Frankly, it got to the point where i was tired of knowing more than the salespersons. (Q: "Are these freshwater pearls?" A: "All our pearls are cultured pearls." Well, duh!) I also knew that pearls of all sorts must be taken care of, or they will lose their luster. This was one reason I wanted fw, since the fact that they are solid nacre makes them a bit more durable, if that's the right word, and probably a wiser choice for a gift intended for a teenager.
Unfortunately, the fw i found locally were very poor quality. I doubt if the strands i saw would pass muster for any of the merchants that post in this forum. And of course the akoyas that could be found locally were astronomically priced. When i visited the pearlparadise office, the fw surpassed by far all the fw and most of the akoyas i'd seen previously. their akoyas were beyond anything i'd seen except for one mikimoto (probably a sea magic) strand which may have equaled them in luster.
Had the fw not been up to par, the akoyas that pearlparadise carries would have been been extremely satisfactory. and the price, though steep for a part-time drug store employee, was about as low as i could reasonably have hoped to find. lower, actually, based on the prices i'd seen elsewhere. but thankfully, their fw were up to par. heck, they came in several strokes under par

and i was proud, thrilled, to give them to my friend. she was quite impressed and very happy.
Getting back to the question, though, i guess the full answer is that i would have been happy with the akoyas i saw there at the price they were asking. lower quality or higher prices (for instance, at the other stores i went to) would have made me content, but not happy.
Caitlin Williams said:
I think most of my friends over the years have understood completely that there are MoP beads inside the cultured pearls. It is not a trade secret! They accept it as the trade-off for price accessibility.
Exactly right. That is precisely what i would have done. We can't all afford to be pearl snobs. If i could have easily afforded the akoyas, I wouldn't have hesitated to purchase them. If I could buy some for her right now, I would. Then she'd have one set for casual wear and one set for formal occasions. A girl's gotta look good, after all.