USA fraud


Jan 1, 2013
Check out this seller on eBay whilst she sells some pretty pearls her claims that they are south sea pearls are fake she is selling freshwater pearls. Th saddest part about is that she is in the USA.
Sellers name is Jewelsofjoy. Anyone had any dealings with her. Even worse she claims to be a jewellery designer. She has a lot of sales and positive feedback.
Welcome to the Pearl Police, Johanna :) There are so many cases of this in all countries that it's sad to see. I myself found my way to PG after buying Tahitian pearls at $75 from an American - who posted the piece proudly on How little I knew! At least it was a limited amount and the incident made me work to learn more. And at least we have PG where people who really want to know about pearls find their way.

Now she is searchable here. Do write her and tell her politely that she seems to be mistaken and guide her here. And don't get too upset if she doesn't listen. It's not worth your peace of mind.

- Karin

If you look for her on and look at the dates of the feedback, it seems she has only made on sale in resent times (since 2009). She may in fact not know what she's doing.

- Karin
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Is this the Jewelsofjoy who has only sold 14 items and has nothing for sale at present?. Have you a link to someone else who is selling cos I cannot find.
Nope, link goes to home page.
Searched for seller on and still only came up with the seller in the USA with 14 feedbacks.
the pearls which are supposedly south sea are defo freshwaters, I got similar in HK in 2011 (item 200719188820) Fine Conch Pearls
Thank you Wendy I was trying to put the link in on my phone whilst on a bus on my way to a visit. I feel sad that this person has made so many sales with so much good feedback. I checked the feedback on toolhaus. And it is showing the same as on eBay. You tend to trust USA sellers more than Chinese sellers.
There's a lot of it about, unfortunately.
We had a freshwater Tahitian seller from somewhere in the UK not so long ago - got quite nasty with me
I'll just check what's happening
oh lordie 360563409978 and many others from this seller (who I have now contacted through ebay)
and how about this - this is a new one 261154211358
Just saw two supposedly Mikimoto on ebay last evening, one had the clasp hidden in the photos, no provenance given or any identifying description, and the other listing showed what looked like a cheap bead store clasp. Ironically both listed recently from two different sellers who both joined ebay on the same day. Both sellers have 0 feedback. here are the listing numbers: 251214396703 and the other one disappeared, I found it under completed, here is the number 200877906956.

Daddys Little Pearl
I alerted eBay to a suspicious black pearl necklace touted as Mikimotos. Item 390560019289 (enter number in search field). Clasp markings do not have the proper kartouche yet 18kt. Has a Mikimoto box. Price is at 700+ with a couple days left. eBay hasn't removed the auction even though they claim to be tough on fraudulent practices.

This forum is invaluable to me. I only discovered y'all a week ago...thank you all for your help. I know eBay and have seen some terrible things in over.14 years; however, I love eBay for the variety and choice...a dilemma.
Update on fake Miki's: eBay asked seller to prove mfg by Mikimoto. Seller was forced to cancel all bids and end auction early. Seller is a pawn shop so they probably know appraisers to help guide and list properly. One down...several million to go... How hard is it to just be honest?