update from GIA re pearl course


New Member
Jun 7, 2008
hello my lovely P/gers

I sent an email yesterday,trying to find out when the pearl course was going to be updated, here's the reply

Dear Charlene,

Thank you for your email. The pearls course has not been updated yet but will be later this year around August or September. I would advise you to contact us early summer to see about the exact date it will be available.

If i here any more will keep u all up to date
Hi PGers, I am sure that some of you are aware that GIA has finally updated the Pearl Course. For those of us that have already taken the course you can buy the new course book from GIA without having to retake the course. I have purchased it, it was not in the notebook form as before, but is in a spiral bound form. I have not had time to review the whole book, but the photography is much better and the examples given look better also.
