untreated freshwater pearls


purveyor of pearls UK/EU
Aug 18, 2007
I just got these in - phwarh! These are untreated (no bleaching, nothing) They were on one suppliers website and I thought they might be interesting.
The big white one centre bottom is 16mm and pretty round in shape with patches of pretty good lustre too.
I am having the strand on the left of pinks and purples. It said ' I am yours' as I took it out of the parcel. They are about 12-14mm. I also have some strands about 10-11.
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Ooh, Wendy - more photos please!! Strand by strand? A bit closer? (Gosh we're demanding when it comes to photos, aren't we?) I think the lavenders you chose for youself look pretty fab. I would also like to see more of the colours - one strand looks almost bronzy?
Here is the first of the necklaces, made mostly from the pinks and purples in the left hand strand. I have some from the other strands which I may swap in, though I think I quite like the mix of colours in this.
The colours in all the strands are remarkable, and the pearls change under different lights. Lustre is satiny to metallic in places wiht surfaces remarkably smooth, just some faint rings and blobs
size ranges from 12mm to 14.5.
No idea if they are tissue or bead nucleated and I don't think the supplier I got them from would probably know either. They are very heavy and when I drilled the three smalls to double the thread through they felt no different to any other freshwater, with no change in drill feel part way through
finished length is just under 50cm
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Wow, those look just lovely! Terrific variation in color, so interesting! I doubt they are bead nucleated. They are pretty off round, which is just fine in my book. I am not sure, but don't think the bead-nuked fw are coming in, so far, with these smooth and more rounded surface. Hopefully, someone with more expertise will comment.

so many pearls, so little time
Here are some more pix - the same strand, in brighter sunlight

then a second strand, for which I picked out the peachier tones. these pearls are 11mm to 13.5. I sorted all the strands roughly by colour then spent a very happy afternoon playing around with them to put togehter these necklaces. There is one more which I haven't got to yet, plus all the left over ones, which were the very off rounds..idea for them so far is to mix them alternately with regular white rounds, but I haven't tried it

then finally some 11.13 white untreateds with lots of fold. very regular shape This is a strand just as it came in
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I love the shapes, very much like natural pearls, though the colors are pure freshwater. I have a dyed blue/black strand with the pearls shaped like that and at least 12mm. I LOVE it.

Would you email or PM me the price? The more purple one- if you are selling it that is.
I love the shapes, very much like natural pearls, though the colors are pure freshwater. I have a dyed blue/black strand with the pearls shaped like that and at least 12mm. I LOVE it.

Would you email or PM me the price? The more purple one- if you are selling it that is.

Caitlin - The Queen of Purple! :cool:
Very Nice website, Wendy! I hadn't looked for awhile. I love the way the photos get so huge----I greatly admire how you can do all that and have a shop also!!!

Caitlin, definitely go for that huge necklace, then I can see it in person in Tucson next year-----
Wendy - your website is great! You seem to keep adding new and wonderful things. The untreated FW are gorgeous pearls - the purple ones really are knockouts.
Here are the last two. The left-overs - very obviously off round or with much bigger flaws - will take some time. I'm scratching my head a bit for ideas and trying to get stock uploaded before some new parcels arrive.
The central white one of the top strand is at least 14.5mm.
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It is a perfect necklace for me, but a bit beyond my reach. :o

My black freshwater 12+mm has surfaces like the last picture. I love it and I guess I need to keep on wearing it!!
I just got in another batch of the untreated. even more phwarrrrrrrr. this is the first to be photographed. I have sorted and assembled them myself over the last few days from the strands as they came in.

I think I might keep this one for myself.
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I don't blame you for keeping it! I would be amazed if you didn't, actually. Splendid colors and luster!

*mopping drool off keyboard*