Unios (freshwater mussels) of the world


Hey Pattye! I knew you'd be one of the ones that noticed! This is so rich, I wish all of us P_Ger's in America would adopt a mussel or count mussels in their local creeks. thesee arte great pets. Better than a rock anyday!
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To process a cultured pearl, freshwater mussel shells are sliced, cubed, and rounded and are implanted in a marine oyster, which lays its own nacre over the bead.
The cultured pearl process
Photo: Tom Watters, Ohio State University
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In the 1800s, it was common for people to collect mussels and look for treasure on the Upper Mississippi River; that treasure was freshwater pearls found in native mussels. Some historians have compared this treasure hunt to the gold rush in California. The fever to find a pearl was so intense that people literally killed millions of mussels. In some areas of the river, entire mussel beds were eliminated. But the effect of the pearl rush on mussel populations was minor compared to the rush to make buttons out of mussel shells.
Natural pearls

Photo: Mississippi River Pearl Jewelry Co.
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Current Threats

Dramatic declines in numbers and diversity of mussels in many rivers, lakes, and streams across the eastern United States has been attributed to a variety of factors. These include degradation of their habitat by dams and impoundment, channelization and dredging, pollution, sedimentation, fish kills that eliminate potential host fish, and introduction of non-native species.
There are 29 locks and dams on the Upper Mississippi River between St. Louis, Missouri, and Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota. The locks and dams were constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to provide a 9-foot channel for commercial navigation. The dams do not control floods; during high water, the dam gates are raised out of the water. Below St. Louis, the river is deep enough so that locks and dams are not needed for commercial navigation.
In general, dams transform rivers into lakes and impoundments. The resulting changes in water depth, water currents, temperature, and restructured fish and algal communities can negatively affect freshwater mussels. Additionally, because dams slow current velocity, they allow suspended sediments to drop out of the water column and settle onto the river bottom, which can literally bury mussel beds. These habitat changes are usually not favorable to most mussel species that inhabit free-flowing rivers.

Upper Mississippi River Lock and Dam 5
Source: St. Paul District Corps of Engineers​

Because some dams are effective barriers to fish and mussel migration, they can isolate upstream communities from those downstream. The classic example of this on the Mississippi River concerns the creation of Lock and Dam 19 at Keokuk, Iowa. This dam blocked the upstream migration of skipjack herring, the only known host of the ebonyshell and elephantear mussels. Consequently, these two species have been nearly eradicated above Lock and Dam 19. River biologists have found that the movements of other fish species have also been restricted by dam construction, possibly affecting upstream distribution and survival of juvenile mussels in the Upper Mississippi River System.

Lock and Dam 19 on the Upper Mississippi River at Keokuk, Iowa
Source: Keokuk Office of Tourism​
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Currents threats continued: Link
Chemicals and Nutrients
Chemicals are found everywhere in our homes and the environment. Used unwisely, some chemicals can contaminate the aquatic environment and kill mussels, fish, and other organisms. They can also be of concern to mussels when they bind with suspended sediments that drop to the river or lake bottom where mussels live. If this occurs over a long time, contaminants may accumulate in the tissues of mussels as they continually filter water for food.
Chemicals and pollution
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Recent research has shown that mussels are extremely sensitive to certain pollutants such as ammonia and heavy metals, compared to other aquatic species. Fertilizers are applied to lawns, crops, and other areas within the watershed of the Upper Mississippi River System. Additionally, the excess nutrients from the fertilizers promotes the rapid growth of algae and aquatic plants that may disrupt water flow over mussel beds, inhibit feeding, and reduce the supply of oxygen.
The combination of intensive land use, wetland drainage, and stream channelization resulted in high rates of soil loss after World War II in agricultural areas. Soil washed into streams and larger rivers as fine silts and clay. In many areas, siltation occurred at such high rates that backwaters and side channels were filled with fine sediment.
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Mussels are affected by a variety of factors related to sedimentation. The most obvious is direct burial of mussels by sediment. Mussel beds located near tributary inflows and in slow flowing water where silt settles out can often be covered deep enough to suffocate the population. One experiment found that as little as one-quarter of an inch of silt covering the substrate caused death in about 90% of the mussel species examined. A more chronic condition is the habitat alteration that occurs during sedimentation. When sedimentation occurs on gravel beds, silt fills the small spaces between gravel and rocks where the mussels reside. Some species are able to survive in the modified habitat, but many less-tolerant species perish.
Exotic Species
Zebra mussels pose the most immediate threat to
freshwater mussels in the Upper Mississippi River System!
Zebra Mussels
Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) have nearly eliminated most native freshwater mussels in some portions of the Great Lakes. Zebra mussels are native to Europe and Asia and were transported to the United States in the ballast water of transatlantic ships navigating the Great Lakes.
Cross section of ships showing ballast tanks and ballast water cycle

Source: International Maritime Organization
Zebra mussels are a huge threat to a lot more than native mussels!

Single zebra mussel showing byssal threads used for attachment.


Source: Ohio Sea Grant​

Zebra mussels invaded Lake Michigan, entered the Illinois River by a man-made connection at Chicago, and were first found in the Upper Mississippi River in 1991. They are currently found throughout the Upper Mississippi River System, many of its tributaries, and inland lakes.
Spread of zebra mussels between 1988 and 2002
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Source: U.S. Geological Survey
See the progression of the zebra mussel distribution in North America.
Zebra mussels attach to hard surfaces with byssal threads that secrete a strong glue-like substance. They do not require a fish host; they develop as planktonic organisms (veligers) drifting in the current until they become large enough to attach to the bottom or objects. They produce thousands of veligers and reproduce several times a year. Because zebra mussels readily attach to tow boats, barges, and recreational crafts, they can be easily transported to upstream portions of the Upper Mississippi River.
Zebra mussels attached to a barge on the Upper Mississippi River, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, and the hull of a houseboat in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
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Zebra mussels also attach by the hundreds to the shells of native freshwater mussels. Zebra mussels compete with native mussels for food and may interfere with successful reproduction. Severe freshwater mussel mortality is not likely to occur until zebra mussel infestation intensity reaches about 100 zebra mussels per freshwater mussel. In the river bottom, zebra mussels have been reported at densities of over 67,000 per square meter. In the video, you can see zebra mussels carperting the bottom of the river and attached to native mussels.
Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha)
Upper Mississippi River, Pool 10
Source: Mark Endis, Wisconsin DNR​
Other Invasive Species
The Quagga mussel, (Dreissena bugensis), is very similar to the zebra mussel and has the potential to be a significant threat to native mussels. It also came from Europe by ocean vessels and became established in the Great Lakes in the 1980s. It can live in deeper water, and grow and reproduce at lower water temperatures than zebra mussels, which may help it establish a wider range. Over the past few years, quagga mussels now outnumber zebra mussels in the Great Lakes. For some unknown reason, it has not yet infested the Upper Mississippi River System.
Quagga mussel - (Dreissena bugensis)The Golden mussel, (Limnoperna fortunei), is another invasive species that attaches to native mussels similar to zebra mussels. It has not been found in the United States yet, but has invaded South America from the discharge of ballast water from ocean vessels. Like zebra mussels, it disperses quickly throughout watersheds it invades and adversely effects native mussels and industrial water systems, generating facilities and water treatment plants.
Another threat to native mussels of the UMRS is the Black carp, (Mylopharyngodon piceus). This species entered the United States in the 1970’s in shipments of imported Grass carp, (Ctenopharyngodon idella), a species used to control aquatic vegetation in hatchery ponds. Black carp feed on native mussels and snails and have been found in Illinois, Missouri and Louisiana. In particular, in 2004 one specimen was collected near Lock and Dam 24 on the Upper Mississippi River.
This is another take on the mussel-thing LINK

[FONT=helvetica, arial][SIZE=+3]Discover Freshwater Mussels:[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=helvetica, arial][SIZE=+3]
America's Hidden Treasure[/SIZE][/FONT]
They make no sound. They cannot see. Some may live for decades,
but seldom move from a secure spot. Yet, freshwater mussels are causing a stir;
becoming noticed and making us ponder their future as we make plans for our own.

For the Record
No other country in the world equals the United States in freshwater mussel variety. While all of Europe supports only 12 species, nearly 300 kinds live here, mostly within the vast watershed of the Mississippi River. Unfortunately, these animals may be the most troubled natural resources in this country. It's estimated that 70% (Williams, et al. 1993) of our freshwater mussels are extinct, endangered, or in need of special protection. Many of their problems stem from how they live and changes that have occurred to their habitat during the past 200 years.
Caitlin William said:
Many of their(mussel) problems stem from how they live and changes that have occurred to their habitat during the past 200 years.

Correlates directed to how WE live and how WE have changed the environment in the last 200 years. Something very bad is going on with our creeks, brooks, ponds, lakes, rivers and oceans. It merits some very serious thought. Three hundred species of mussel affected! That's an incredibly regrettable situation we have put a beautiful natural and useful resource in.

I have been enjoying the USFWS site since you posted a link to it several months ago. I *love* the names, and enjoy trying to discover what mussels might be hanging around in the creeks and rivers near me (the Wabash in particular seems to be something of a hotbed of mussel-y goodness). I would be remiss in not sharing with our fellow Pearl-Guiders the joys of "Billie Button's life story":

Previous mentions of Billie Button here, Post number 30 here, and the oringinal mention of Billie Button, here

That middle post is on a great thread. ZGE's best moment on this forum.....reciting Strack.
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Oops :o

Ah, yes - further proof that I have a mind like a steel sieve...

Still, the "Sicilian vendetta" line makes me laugh every time (but that probably goes back to the steel sieve issue!)
No ooops needed here- it's just another opportunity to get all the cross indexing or whatever it is called into one thread. :p