Type of Pearls & Best Way to Sell


New Member
Nov 4, 2014
Hello Pearl Enthusiasts,
I've enclosed a photo of a 5 strand pearl necklace I own. There are 54 pearls/strand, for a total of 270 pearls. The 5 strands are each 17" long, and each clasp is almost 2 inches, for a total length of 20 1/2". The pearls range from 6-8 mm. They are real pearls (gritty), although I am not certain what type they are (I am a pearl neophyte). I bought the pearls in San Francisco at Raphaels, an upscale women's clothing store in Union Square, probably around 2000-2005 timeframe. The two clasps are heavy sterling silver, with the edge of one of the clasps being "signed", although I cannot read who it is. One of the pictures attempts to show this. I do not know what I paid for the pearl necklace, as the receipt is in storage (along with 10,000 pounds of a house move) and I am unable to retrieve it at this time.

I would like to sell this necklace, as I am semi-retired, and have no need for such fancy jewelry going forward. I would like assistance in the following:
1. Can anyone tell me what type of pearls these are?
2. Any range for what they might be worth?
3. How would you suggest I sell? Ebay, others??

thanks for any suggestions.
Angel - the pearl neophyte :D


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I rotated that clasp photo in the hope that someone will recognize the signature.


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Also, using a ratio, I see some of the pearls near the clasp are about 7.5mm. (You said 6-8mm so we're in that same range.)

They are either freshwaters or imitation. Probably freshwaters given that you are feeling grittiness. But before you sell them, be sure-- take them to a jeweler and look at them with their loupe. Real nacre is very smooth on 10x magnification; imitation is rougher looking. Compare what you see with known-real pearls (or known-imitation.)

Unless this is a very collectible designer, rule of thumb is that you'll make 25% of the original retail price when selling them. Pearls do not tend to hold their value on resale.

You may not know what you paid for them, but you know what you tend to spend on jewelry, and what is the most you are likely to have paid for them. Figure 25% of that.
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I can't read the designer signature on the pearls, but since it is a signed piece, I would think that might bring more if the artist is desirable. Best way to determine that is to do a little research. Maybe the artist is local since you purchased at a boutique? Have you asked the boutique owner? There is something quite pleasing about the necklace that is very captivating. This may be one of those items that has value beyond the materials. One way to more easily see the signature: do a pencil rubbing. Take a sharp pencil and piece of white paper. Put the paper over the signature, and lightly rub the paper with the side of the pencil edge. Use your phone to take a picture of the paper and then enlarge the image. That can sometimes bring more detail to a signature making it easier to read.
The pencil rubbing is a great idea.

I googled the store and couldn't find it. Did it close?
Dear Pearl Dreams,

Thank you so much for rotating the photo so the signature is upright. This is the first time I have used the site, so not the best at navigating the details, but I did notice last night when I posted it was upside down..so many thanks. I think I replied personally to you, but also wanted to reply to the thread that I misspelled the name of the store. It is "Rafael's" and it is located in the Palace Hotel (Luxury Collection of Westin) on Market St. in downtown San Francisco. Mona is the owner, and if you ever visit San Francisco, and like or know someone who loves immaculate clothes, ask for Mona. Tell her Angel sent you. She provides much personal attention in finding clothes that look and feel awesome on you. But very expensive!!! They are all hand picked by her from the European trips she makes. Be forewarned. :-)
Thank you JerseyPearl,

I will use the method you described to try and get a better idea of the signature. I certainly appreciate your suggestion.
Then I suggest you call Mona; perhaps she sells (or sold) other jewelry by that designer and will recognize the name. Or, better yet, email her the photo showing the signature.