Two Ropes


New Member
Mar 11, 2008

Thought I'd share a couple of ropes.

I've been a little rope crazy for the past month after seeing all the lovely ropes posted here. I decided to have one made, and then, I bought another one for fun on ebay--bargain rope!

One is 54 inches of gem white round fw with rose overtones--7-7.5mm. Pearls from Majestic.

The other is 45 inches of gold/peach fw drop shape 10-11mm.--ebay bargain rope--
The vendor described the rope as pink, but pearls are more gold than peach or pink. I actually like the color better. The color shifts a bit depending on the light. For a bargain rope, it's fairly well matched and the pearls are a good size.

I like to wear them doubled or long.

I'm hoping to make my own ropes someday. I bought some practice beads and thread, but my knots are very shady looking at this point.:rolleyes:

Thanks for letting me share!

Here's the peach/gold.


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Here's the round rope.


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I asked the ebay seller if she had any lustrous baroques with
good orient, and she made me this pendant. He's a squashy little guy--with great color!


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Beautiful, Kaywal, just beautiful - the pearls too.....:)
Wow- you are an excellent model Kaywal! I **seriously love** the baroque drop-shaped ropes- I actually have one myself, with mystery screws at 18 and 20-inches each, a convertible 4 piece necklace in white FW BQs 9.5mm. Now you have me thinking about a 54-inch piece that I can't afford! Thanks alot!! :)

Your pearls are seriously pretty though- very good luster, and the squashy guy is right up my alley, the Orient is just so Intense! Bravo!
Just stunning! Both of those ropes really are beautiful on you.
Love, Love, Love them all! "Little Guy" is all personality too!! There are lots of overtones in the peachy-gold pearls, That modifies their basic color---and the rose on the white rope, stunning! And, of course, so beautifully modeled (sigh).

You are doing just great on building an amazing pearl wardrobe!!
Thanks Ladies!

Ashley and Pattye--I'm glad you like the squashy guy!:D

Thanks for all your tips and information. It's really helped me start to collect quality pieces. I'm so thrilled with my small collection.

...but I still want more! MwahHA haaaa:cool:

I need get to perfecting my knots!
:)Lovely ropes on a beautiful model!

I love the round ones best and of course this little pearl with it?s amazing orient! What is the full name of Majestic? Can you insert the link of them? How large are the rounds? My guess would be 8-8,5 mm? Also the drops do look very nice on you, keep on collecting...
Wow, Kaywal, you look fabulous in these pearls!!

The peach FW baroques look even better in your photos than in the ebay ones you posted earlier - they suit your skin tone amazingly well. Yes, most Chinese vendors call (what we call)peach, "pink". Pink pearls, as we know them, are always lavender (light). But I usually struggle to sell peach pearls as they don't always suit most western skin tones (the majority, but not all, of my customers are Caucasian) very well.

But those rounds! They are truly lovely, and yes, my comments add to the others above me - they look fabulous on you, the size is perfect (I'm with Inge - 8mm or slightly more??), and the lustre just beautiful. Well chosen, and I agree - your collection is becoming quite enviable!
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:)Lovely ropes on a beautiful model!

I love the round ones best and of course this little pearl with it?s amazing orient! What is the full name of Majestic? Can you insert the link of them? How large are the rounds? My guess would be 8-8,5 mm? Also the drops do look very nice on you, keep on collecting...

Hi Jerin!
Thank you!

Majestic is a wholesaler in New York. I discovered them at the Intergem show in Santa Monica.

I've been emailing them periodically to see what they have in stock. I got my coppery lavender and multicolour 9-10mm from them too.

The white round strand is 7-7.5. I worried it might be a little small, but doubled, it's just perfect.
Wow, Kaywal, you look fabulous in these pearls!!

The peach FW baroques look even better in your photos than in the ebay ones you posted earlier - they suit your skin tone amazingly well. Yes, most Chinese vendors call (what we call)peach, "pink". Pink pearls, as we know them, are always lavender (light). But I usually struggle to sell peach pearls as they don't always suit most western skin tones (the majority, but not all, of my customers are Caucasian) very well.

But those rounds! They are truly lovely, and yes, my comments add to the others above me - they look fabulous on you, the size is perfect (I'm with Inge - 8mm or slightly more??), and the lustre just beautiful. Well chosen, and I agree - your collection is becoming quite enviable!

Thank you Nerida!

It's funny, the rounds are 7-7.5, but they look a tad bigger in the photo.
My Freshadama strand is 8mm, and these are just a hair smaller. Good size for a rope--not too heavy.

Thanks for saying the baroque strand looks better in my photos, I think so too.:D At least it's a better representation of the color. I think ebay sellers must bump up the saturation in Photoshop. I'm glad these are clean and have good luster--you never know with ebay!
I'm hoping to make my own ropes someday. I bought some practice beads and thread, but my knots are very shady looking at this point.
Majestic is a wholesaler in New York. I discovered them at the Intergem show in Santa Monica.

You're gorgeous. They're gorgeous. Very nice! :D

I know there's quite a bit of knotting expertise on this board, but certain skills can be hard to share over the internet. Not sure what the consensus is on knotting tools, but I was able to get 5 pearls tightly knotted together before I even read the instructions. At least one beader has a tutorial on knotting tools up on YouTube. It offends my love of authenticity but satisfies my love of uniformity. :)

Majestic's events list is pretty majestic itself. They're going to be in my city in October, but would I need to obtain state wholesale credentials to attend and potentially purchase things at an "International Gem & Jewelry Show"?
The InterGem show is open to the public, though they do have a section that is wholesale only and to which only people with a tax id number for resale can enter.
Yes Ashley- buying pearls is ever so easy..I could do it all day. But selling them that is the different story. But again fun! :-)
Hi laurenb--Majestic is in the wholesale section of the gem shows, so you'd need the seller's permit.
and thanks for you lovely comments!
Mwahahhahahahahhaaaa ha. ha. Yeah, Welcome to our world! You'll be oh-so broke, but oh-so satisfied ;)

Broke and satisfied--that would be me if I wasn't insatiable!:D More! More!

Oh, and I ordered a monthly special rope from The Pearl Outlet--should be here soon--I couldn't resist!