Tucson 2020


New Member
Oct 16, 2006
Hello friends,
I couldn't find any posts on the 2020 Tucson Gem Show. Who's going?? Any pearl expeditions to be aware? I always love meeting new friends and, of course, seeing old friends.
I have meeting up with Jersey Pearl the last couple of years for many adventures.
Where are you all going to be?
Yes, I'm definitely going!! The CPAA pearl party is on Wednesday evening, and I'll definitely be attending this year. If anyone is interested in a pearl dinner, I'd be more than happy to make a reservation somewhere (no host). We can raise a glass for Caitlin.
Looking forward to seeing you all.. as per usual we are in GJX , this year two booths 106/107.. same location, more room, more pearls, more fun.
Currently procrastinating on a late Saturday afternoon in the studio.. I should be pricing pearls, but I can't stop taking photos of the new ones! Helllllppppp!
I'd love to join you all for a dinner after the show day.
Cheers, Sarah

Looking forward to seeing you all.. as per usual we are in GJX , this year two booths 106/107.. same location, more room, more pearls, more fun.
Currently procrastinating on a late Saturday afternoon in the studio.. I should be pricing pearls, but I can't stop taking photos of the new ones! Helllllppppp!
I'd love to join you all for a dinner after the show day.
Cheers, Sarah

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I just had to quote that for the sake of the gorgeous photo! :D
Gorgeous phots Sarah!! I can't wait to see these in person and so glad you'll be joining us for dinner!

I've made a reservation for Tuesday (2/4), 7pm at a restaurant not too far from the convention center. If anyone else would like to join, please send me a DM (either here or via my Instagram @oceanscove).
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I am so sad that Tucson isn't happening this year....of course that makes complete and perfect sense, but I will miss seeing my pearly friends. While many of the vendors have been offering virtual viewings, it really is something special to visit in person. I always enjoy the CPAA booth, the Betty Sue King and Elizabeth Strack lectures, and of course visiting with Sarah (Kojima). But I think most of all, I will miss my annual romp with Judi McCormick out to the Gem Mall/Holidome Show.
You are not the only one :(
I spoke with Antoinette Matlins just a couple of days ago. She told me there were rumors of a "smaller" Tucson Gem Show to be held for a couple of days in March, she told me it was only AGTA. Then I got this message from her today:
"I just read that JCK show is being "postponed" from June to later in the year... so it seems clear that Tucson will not be happening, and it looks like the shows in Vegas in late May/early June will also NOT take place!"
You are not the only one :(
I spoke with Antoinette Matlins just a couple of days ago. She told me there were rumors of a "smaller" Tucson Gem Show to be held for a couple of days in March, she told me it was only AGTA. Then I got this message from her today:
"I just read that JCK show is being "postponed" from June to later in the year... so it seems clear that Tucson will not be happening, and it looks like the shows in Vegas in late May/early June will also NOT take place!"

Yes, I saw that the Vegas shows are now scheduled for August.
This pandemic surtainely has changed a lot. Some things can be done online of course. But the effects on people, the economies world wide and probably the environment as well will be seen long after the virus is not gone exactly but maybe subdued. In sweden many small stores and big chains has had to close. Things you thought was great business, like restaurants and the travel section struggles. And other business thrives. And so many people losing their jobs. I read a swedish report that those that have lost their jobs during the pandemic mostly get other jobs fairly quickly but those those that were unemployed before the pandemic struggles more. There have been such shifts that I could never have imagined. Here people are starting cooking more themselves than before. Ordering food online, the online food section has developed to levels they thought would perhaps happen years from now. There is also an big outdoors trend, even in the winter they baroque outside, go for hikes and what not. It's a strange world for sure.
Yes, it is a strange world. Felt like plucking out my old, old copy of "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert Heinlein to reread and -perhaps- feel like it is not "that strange world 'tis".
Eric Braunwert of Columbia GemHouse will be hosting a "Virtual Tucson Gems Show Booth", all adorned with Tucson motifs (he asked me to send him a giant saguaro...kidding), so maybe this is momentary alternative.
Yes, it is a strange world. Felt like plucking out my old, old copy of "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert Heinlein to reread and -perhaps- feel like it is not "that strange world 'tis".
Eric Braunwert of Columbia GemHouse will be hosting a "Virtual Tucson Gems Show Booth", all adorned with Tucson motifs (he asked me to send him a giant saguaro...kidding), so maybe this is momentary alternative.

A few of the vendors are doing these virtual presentations. While I love the idea of working with Columbia Gem House this way (I may have recently purchased a small hoard of Sea of Cortez mabes) there is nothing that can compare to the excitement of selecting your stones and pearls in person. Playing with colors and options is one of my favorite things to do, and Dennis, you were always so indulgent in helping me select your pearls to go with my aquaprase.
I know. Nothing beats touching, seeing pearls...and the running! ;) Not off with the pearls, but...remember I took you over to the Aquaprase booth to introduce you to Yianni and then you came back with the Aquaprase and mixing-&-matching with the Cortez?
Tucson is the people, the setting, the gems, the bustle...I love it, and I miss it!