Tucson 2014

That would be on Friday the same day as the GIA party that night. So arrive Tuesday, go home Sat? Strack, pearl walk, and p-g dinner are on Weds. 5th.

The CPAA party is on the 5th, so we will have to do the PG dinner party on the 6th.
We usually all walk after the Strack lecture, so that makes the most sense. We should have dinner the next night because the CPAA party is on the 5th and the GIA party is on the 7th.
Closer than ever, but still too far away... I leave NYC on the 4th Feb - ALMOST made it to Tuscon this year!
I've had my head down preparing for Tucson for weeks now! Feeling very inspired and excited about the show.
Please count me in for dinner on Thursday evening.. I had such a great time last year (THANK YOU Jeremy and Hisano).
I hope to make it to the Strack lecture, but escaping the booth in the morning is always tough.
Looking forward to seeing all of the "pearl walkers" again... I will be in booth #107 in the GJX .. and looking forward to seeing you all soon. Travel safe!
How do I get a list of vendor booths? I want to see the Sea of Cortez pearls and natural ones.
The Cortez Pearl booth will be in the GJX show. There is a book in the lobby with a map and index. But you can get a head-start by using The Tucson Show Guide online. You can pick up the guide in Tucson for free.

I can't believe I'm going to be so close and not be able to make it. I looked at getting adminssion but the timing just was not going to work. So, I'll be sitting in the Long Beach Airport Marriott on the 5th and surprising my sister for her 60th birthday on the 6th .... darn that's frustrating !! lol Why couldn't she have been born on the 10th !!! Maybe next year I can sort this out better ... I'm even going to miss HK in March as I'll be in Beverly HIlls meeting up with my brother and his wife.... My pearl Karma is just not working this year. Looks like it's HK in September. :(

I'm very jealous..you guys are going to have so much fun..would love to be there and meet everyone from the US ... enjoy !
Judi, Yes very much looking forward to seeing you too. Last year I didn't get enough time to chat with you. Travel safe wonder woman!
So far I am going, Jeremy, Judi, Simone, Let us know if you will join us; Jeremy knows everyone and chats while we can join in the chat or shop:cool:

Thurs, Feb 6th Thurs around 7 pm or so, it looks like dinner at the Arizona Inn! Google it! It is a fine place to eat, much beloved by the old-time Arizonans.
We need to know who all is joining us for the PG dinner on February 6th. We are going to book private dining at The Arizona Inn.

Also, if anyone is interested in volunteering with the CPAA for a few hours a day, please contact me. They are willing to cover your hotel and some reasonable expenses in Tucson for anyone willing to volunteer.
I'll be at the dinner, as will Elisabeth, Lois and her companion. So that's four right there. :)
Okay at this point I am seriously thinking about re-routing my trip home to Aus...