Tucson 2011??

I will be in Tucson...provided all the rest of my flights are aligned with the stars. Jeremy, are you going to make it to Tucson. We have some investigative work to catch up on about phony SS pearls. It's going to be a little chilly this year, but, hey, I just left Vermont at below zero temps. Anxious to see new Souffles. I love what I got last year. And, Sarah, looking forward to meeting your Pearl farmers and seeing what you have here.
Today started out miserable; it hailed, but now it seems to be clearing up. Yesterday and the day before were clear very warm- no jackets or sweaters needed. I ordered up good weather, but the fates don't seem to be listening.

Wild Onion and Judi. I hope you meet up with us for the Strack lecture. 1pm sat 2/5 in the Mojave room. Same place as last year.
WO, I am a Tucson native, looking forward to meeting you. If you can't make Strack, please post about when you will be at the GJX. But try to make Strack (It's open to all, free) and the pearl walk with Jeremy. He knows everyone selling pearls and a lot more folks than that. It's great if it is your first time, you will meet all the significant pearl purveyors.

Judi, it has been too long since you posted new pix of your excellent work. Are you still working in that multi-gem style? So gorgeous....
It look like Hisano and I will arrive on Friday and stay until Monday. Saturday after Strack would be a good time for the walk for us!
I'll be there also. Arrive Friday and stay until Sunday. I just don't seem to get out of the house much these days. Ha ha. It'll be my first time to the Tucson show though. See ya'll there.
Thanks for the thoughts. Yes, I am still working in multiple gem pearl pieces. Have very recently started doing inverted gemstone installations into my pearls. I am terribly excited to see some new pearls from Sarah at Kojima.
Tequila anyone?
Thanks for the thoughts. Yes, I am still working in multiple gem pearl pieces. Have very recently started doing inverted gemstone installations into my pearls. I am terribly excited to see some new pearls from Sarah at Kojima.
Tequila anyone?

Saturday night! Can you choose a place, Caitlin? I know we have the GIA party on Friday.
I am anguished. I have to leave on Sat to do some business. I can't believe I am missing Straack's lecture. It's of little consolation that I will buy the cd of Agta lectures...I got some beautiful pearls from Sarah to make magic with. Fuji looks good. Why did Avi move his A to Z booth? I very much miss his beautiful art pieces. Off to the Holidome today. Love having a car here. Hope to run into any of you that are here.
I might not be let in. No ID. So I will be in the parking lot giving a talk on the importance of planning. Meeting begins at 9 a.m. or maybe 10. Depends on the night before. BYO
I've returned home today, my primary purpose being AGA yesterday and some related private meetings earlier in the week. Sold a little wine in the Tucson market as well.

A few personal highlights from the AGA morning pearl sessions:

Elisabeth Strack: The world of pearl developments, she was advised late that her talk was to include non-nacreous naturals so had too much material and didn't make it to the end. Yours truly got attribution for some shots of Nautilus shells and a purported Nautilus pearl. Generally standard information to make sure everyone was on the same page to start.

Thomas Hainschwang/GemLab(Liechtenstein):Incredible presentation impressing upon the AGA members the seriousness of the threat posed by various forms of improved natural pearl fakery. He proposed 3D X-Ray as a more practical and economical solution vs Micro-CT, allowing inspection of a far larger volume of pearls. He ended his talk expressing particular concern over the new, round unbeaded saltwaters from P. Maxima, thus far an enigma. Thomas went as far as to say that he would not personally purchase any purported natural from any Pinctada species (Margaritifera, Maxima, Radiata, Akoya, etc.) until the crime-in-progress is halted.

H?ctor Acosta and Megan Davis of Rose Pearls offered the public d?but and hands-on of their new cultured conchs from Florida. Good progress is being made, pearls shown were from samples harvested at various early stages, so nacre deposition rates are known. H?ctor told me that if business models allow, they would like to start selling pearls with a minimum of 12 months in the shell.

Ken Scarratt/GIA Bangkok: Excellent presentation on what constitutes treatments in cultured and natural pearls, and means by which they can be detected. As an example of the potential danger of assuming treatment where none exists, Ken offered a slide showing recent breeding improvements to the gold-lipped P. Maxima at Jewelmer, with older shells shown alongside current ones (we dined on these at Pearl-Paradise at the Ruckus last Summer!). The more recent shells were progressively bigger and deeper gold, thus explaining improvements to color that might otherwise raise eyebrows.

I missed the afternoon non-pearl sessions for GJX and other activities, returning for the Gala dinner. Strack has followed my exploits in the pearl world since our original Poe Pipi acquisitions in the Cooks and we had a good opportunity to exchange information, including of course Nautilus. Also at this most auspicious table were Douglas and Enrique from Cortez Pearls, Megan, H?ctor and his wife, and noted pearl and gem author Ren?e Newman. Yours truly, who has not had a dinner without wine for 30 years, kept the streak alive by getting a bottle for the table.

Sorry to miss all of you there this weekend. But it's a BIG, LONG FAIR!!

(Top photo: Strack and myself, featuring the public d?but of my 9mm Poe Pipi as a tie ring!
Bottom: H?ctor and Douglas enjoying the moment?)


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I have not really followed the natural pearl fakery story, but have the labs already done gas chromatography to figure out whether there are any compounds present that should not be?

Nice ring by the way and Strack's pearls are quite something.
I have not really followed the natural pearl fakery story, but have the labs already done gas chromatography to figure out whether there are any compounds present that should not be? What about high-resolution imaging like SEM? Would naturals not show a different pattern than cultured pearls?

Nice ring by the way and Strack's pearls are quite something.
I have not really followed the natural pearl fakery story, but have the labs already done gas chromatography to figure out whether there are any compounds present that should not be?

Nice ring by the way and Strack's pearls are quite something.
Thanks Steve. I saw from the number of my my emails that my computer had some problems talking to the satellite yesterday due to incoming storm fronts.

I did not realize that all pearls were nucleated with keshis or other pearls. I thought the mystery was how these pearls were created since no way of nucleation was detected. Keshi nucleation seems a very logical way to do it. Probably not even very difficult to do. However, from the articles it appears that the labs only used a variety of spectroscopy methods to analyze the pearls. I was thinking more about the use of scanning or transmission electron microscopy. Those methods have a much higher resolution and would show you the crystals on the surface and probably within. That may show difference in crystal formation where nucleus and secreted nacre meet. I am not sure whether that would work to identify naturals conclusively. Along these lines maybe:

Ramona, this thread is better reserved for those still in Tucson to report back with their discoveries, perhaps further inquiries could be diverted to one of the related threads (such as THIS ONE)?

Faux natural fraud has involved both beading (with naturals) and non-beading. Per Thomas Hainschwang's session at AGA, the natural-beaded pearls no longer concern him, as there is invariably a telltale separation between the 'bead' and the new layer(s) that can be detected with X-Ray (3D in the case of GemLab). But the non-beaded nacreous saltwaters are totally indistinguishable from their natural counterparts, except perhaps for a greater frequency of symmetry?even under SEM.