Tricks for cutting apart knotted pearls?

A Breaker

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2024
Any tips or tools for cutting apart knotted pearls that need to be restrung? How to get a knot out, if the knot got stuck inside a pearl?
I like to use Swanstrom double-flush cutters, size 4. These are pricey but they cut right through the knot easily.
Before I bought those I used to use a razor knife or craft knife. These are quite cheap and can be bought at craft stores. Just be sure to change the blade often so it's sharp.

The best way to get a stuck knot out is to use a drill. I don't have one, however, and in the past have had to resort to attempts to pick it out gradually with a pin or needle. Very tedious and often not successful. I also have used a bead reamer but didn't like the way that widened the hole. If I were just starting out now with buying pearls, I would probably bite the bullet and get a small hand drill or multi-tool like a Dremel.
Never thought of my craft knife...thank you! I wonder if I soaked the pearl in plain water, would that soften the thread enough to"wash it out"?
Water will soften silk, but then the thread may shred and be harder to remove. If all else fails, try that.
Here's an idea. Using jewelry pliers, make the tiniest bend in the tip of a fine needle. In effect making a teeny tiny hook.
Yes, the tiny homemade hook works pretty well for me! The worst is when there's heavy duty glue in the hole also. Then microwaving the pearl in a cup of boiling water can help loosen the glue. It may have to be done more than once. Soaking in Attack or Acetone are other options for softening the glue enough that the threads can be picked out.
Flush cutters are my favorite for cutting knots apart, too, Pearl Dreams.
The hook seems like a great idea...I'll try that too! Using Acetone seem so counter-intuitve for me.....but I am going to try it on some that seem to have been glued on chains and mono-filiment. (I just need 3 of those pearls or I probably would not bother..) Acetone soaked paper towel enclosed in a plastic bag will loosen glue on vintage brooches...I am going to try that with these!
Acetone doesn't hurt pearls, but will dissolve glue or epoxy. I've tried poking a stuck knot from the other end of the hole with fine pins or needles. I've used a reamer as a last resort. But if the knot is really stuck, I send it to someone with a drill.

I have a flush wire cutter for jewelry that I use to cut my knots. And tweezers come in very handy, too.
The hook seems like a great idea...I'll try that too! Using Acetone seem so counter-intuitve for me.....but I am going to try it on some that seem to have been glued on chains and mono-filiment. (I just need 3 of those pearls or I probably would not bother..) Acetone soaked paper towel enclosed in a plastic bag will loosen glue on vintage brooches...I am going to try that with these!
Try super glue dissolver. Just splodge onto the glued bit and seal into a ziplock - leave for as long as it takes for the dissolver to work - can be a week. Ziplock needs to be as small as possible and squash out the air.