TPO Spring Sale!


You?re not alone! They do change the page... The price was 150 on the 8-9 tahitians and now it?s 165.

Maybe you just better be there when they put it up.

Sigh. Wish I?ve had the money to buy the #5 pendant... Hopefully a Freshadama pendant in the same size will be able to comfort me when this recession is over.
::::::Buuuy meeeeee Karen..... Buuuuuuuuy Meeeeee!!!!::::::

I hear them calling you! :D

HAH! Saved by inaction! One that I liked is sold out now, and the other may be soon.

But that's OK. What I really need right now is some more Freshadama loose pearls - lavender - to make a white gold pendant/ear charm set like my yellow gold and white pearl set. So I have to be strong, you know? SOMEBODY is going to get my money in the end, not to worry! ;)
Hi Callire,

If you click on the Tahitian earrings, the price on the item page is still $150. I've noticed this discrepancy a few times as well.
Goodmorning everyone,
Thank you for the kind welcome. I do feel like I know you all, because I have been reading your posts for awhile.
I love PO, I bought the grey strand there yesterday, pearls are my weakness. I wear them almost everyday. Even with a jogging suit. I will post and let you know when the grey strand arrives, I will give a review. Again, Thanks for the welcome

You?re not alone! They do change the page... The price was 150 on the 8-9 tahitians and now it?s 165.


I think they mistakenly put average cost up as price, realized it and changed it, but forgot to make the change on the item. Right now it is a really, really good deal! ;)
We may do something like that again on those pendants. I hand-picked those pearls myself from a large lot of loose pearls for their very vibrant, unique colors. It's not everyday I fly over to Hong Kong just to pick a few unique pearls like that, so it won't be something we have often.

FYI, I've had the Tahitian price corrected. Thanks everyone for pointing that out.
I see. Maybe you could do it again if you ever cross ways with Hong Kong? ;) They are very nice, well done! I know there?s lots of people on this forum that loves exotics.
NO!!!! I will not read your threads anymore, foul temptress!! I must save money!!

(....gosh, either that chocolate and multicolor baroque strand looks lovely and well-priced...)

NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!! Must RESIST!!!

I am thinking of getting the chocolate baroques thanks to yours and Kaywal's baroques.:p

Should I pull the trigger??
Okay trigger pulled, I ordered the chocolate baroque strand.
I hope I love them,eeeek!

You?re not alone! They do change the page... The price was 150 on the 8-9 tahitians and now it?s 165.


I think they mistakenly put average cost up as price, realized it and changed it, but forgot to make the change on the item. Right now it is a really, really good deal! ;)

Yeah, I know. I have no problems with the change, it just makes me feel like I'm CRAZY when I go "Wait a minute... wasn't that? No... Couldn't have been!" Yay for my sanity.


Did anyone get their TPO package yet?

I received mine yesterday; and the FW pendants are exceptional. I bought #3 and #5. They are flawless. Number 3 is a deep lavender. It reflected my pink top so well that my husband kept saying it's pink. When I put the pendant in front of him (he had beige shirt on), then he said it's lavender. :D

Those who got #5, you'll be very happy. My pendant has such great luster that you'd think it's saltwater instead of FW. The first thing that came to my mind was that it looks like a pool of light green ice water, very transparent with extreme luster, similar to Jeremy's exotic FW.

Terry added the 100" white FW rope to the sale page today. I've noticed in the past that as items get sold out, sometimes new items get added to the page.

I am working late the next few days and won't be able to post pics. Hopefully someone can do that. Otherwise, I'll try this weekend.
Can someone tell me what color #6 is? I've been trying to figure it out since I've seen this kindly provided link (didn't know there was an email list!).

Also, are these considered "exotic freshwater" pearls? I'm not sure I fully understand what that means so I'll be doing a search unless someone would like to chime in. :D
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Can someone tell me what color #6 is? I've been trying to figure it out since I've seen this kindly provided link (didn't know there was an email list!).

I would call it lavender myself, and No. 3 as purple :)

DK :)
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Is there going to be an exotic sale soon? Anyone know? I've got a $600 budget to work with for my next purchase, so I was thinking of saving it for the PP Mother's Day sale. I'd love exotics more though.
I managed to get some photos today. I forgot about daylight savings time. One of the photos was taken with a shallot for deep lavender comparison. Two others were taken with a Girl Scout cookie box for green comparison. As always, the color intensity has diminished when I had to adjust the brightness after uploading.


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More pictures!!!

If anyone has more pictures of the TPO sale items, please post!!! :)