Hello again
Yes the red X did stike lisa but, My beautiful wife has sorted it. Stay tuned for some day to day pic's of our operation.
Karin our pearl company is Torres Pearls Pty Ltd. For commerce, please contact us through our web page contact as On this site we just wish to enjoy the topic of pearls and how they make people tick. When we sell pearls we like to actually talk to the people, regardless of where they live. We do not sell unless we actually have a yarn on the phone at least once. Yarn, Australian for discussion on the weather, price of groceries, Russian leaders still trying to defy ageing and lack of facilities for kids to play.
Karin I clicked on the word mansion in your last thread and saw the pic's of where the royal family live. Where is the grass for kids to play on?
It's been a long hot day and I lost two years of my life trying to get that pic up. see you.