Tools and Supplies for Beading and Knotting

Just picked up an OTT-LITE desk top task lamp from Costco--was $23.69--seemed like a great price, good adjustability also. I paid much more for my first one.

Hi Pattye - Was this one with a magnifier...or could I attach one to it (I am still such a newbie)? I just picked up my gossamer project you and Nerida helped me to start so long ago and I am feeling pretty blind after stringing 63 teensey akoya keshis.
No, just a basic adjustable table lamp. I do have one with the magnifier, but drove me crazy trying to use it, because I couldn't keep my work just the right distance to stay in focus. My choice of magnifiers is glasses--"readers", 2.75+ and up! Tried the visor also, guess my head is too small and they seemed heavy. The light helps with "true colors" and also eye strain. I'd be happy to loan you mine that has the magnifier attached, so you could see if you like that style; just call me!

Happy to hear you are on the gossamer project again!
Thanks for the offer and the encouragement! I will bother you at a reasonable hour tomorrow... :)
What I want is a tool for getting little bits of silk knots out of pearls when you have been taking something apart for re-stringing and fragments of the knot jam in the drill hole.
Have you tried reamers? Sewing pins or needles? Those really really fine pointed tweezers? (Can you tell I have faced the same dilema?)
What usually works is a length of needle very slowly shoved in...but it is a bit improvised.

Or use the pearl drill to clear the hole.
I did a test run coloring a couple feet of Power Pro using dark brown and sealed with wax. I soaked the thread in a white bowl of water for 5 consecutive days. I didn't see brown leaking into the water, as you would see when dye bled. At the end of 5 days, the water wasn't as clear as the beginning. It barely had a trace of yellow, similar to the very tiny last trace of water coming out of the faucet to flush out the sediments in the pipe after repair or water stoppage.
It's also called bullion. Some earring shapes are called french wire but gimp is gimp.
Thanks! :)
I meant making the picture smaller.

I didn't people called frenchwire gimp or bullion. I use frechwire about 95% of the time, because I don't really like knot caps, and most my clients wants strictly frenchwire.
You need to re-size that picture to a maximum of 400 pixels tall and 620 pixels wide if it's a jpg. Otherwise follow the sizes as listed in the box that comes up with the attachments. Those pearls look to be worth seeing.