Tom Stern's natural pearls

I got a chance to get some photos at the Jogs show
Here is number one. It is from around the Celebes. The gold shows because of the flash. In person it chages from brown to this shade of gold.


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Caitlin those pearls are absolutely gorgeous!! The gold one is dreamy.....
Here is the back side. You casn clearly see where the big one was attached. the other two were also, but you can't see it.


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Tee Hee--gorgeous, aren't they??!! Tough to budget, knowing Jeremy's exotics were to be available this am--so picked smaller exotics and got multiple strands---so many fab choices. But the keishi are a true treasure also!

so many pearls, so little time

P.S. Wonderful job on the photos, Caitlin!
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My personal favorite so far
Caitlin, the large (?) pearl you thus described appears to have an irregularly distributed albeit highly lustrous nacre layer over a general body more reminiscent of a calcareous concretion (tridachna, etc). Is this just the photo?

There are certainly admirable gems among the photos. Was Tom actively offering the pearls at the show, and if so has he fixed per carat or per piece pricing, or is he sitting back waiting for offers? As these pearls have been mentioned in the same 'breath' as the FW exotics offered today by Pearl Paradise, a little perspective may be in order?
Hi Steve
The pearl is a natural pearl, GIA certified. Tom was selling some of the keshi, but he is really just trying to get a feel for the market.

This one may be the world's largest keshi, though I already forget how large it is. It is about the size of a walnut. yes, it is a keshi. Tom said it probably grew 20 years to get that large.


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While I am at it, here is another of the 150 or so pictures I took


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Large Keshi Pearl, origin near Celebes. 48 carats.

I think this keshi is ohh so beautiful. It has me lusting for it. Must be worth a small fortune. To die for :)



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Hi Steve
The pearl is a natural pearl, GIA certified.
Didn't mean to question the authenticity. Just a comment regarding the irregularity of the outer iridescent nacre layer—as though the pearl were partially peeled. Might this also have something to do with the 'water' effect, ie areas of greater translucency vs. refractivity?

That enormous keshi is something else!

Hi Steve
I was just putting in a plug for Tom. All his natural pearls are certified.

Yes. He has several pearls which are actually translucent around the edges; you can almost see through them, then, when you move it a little the orient jumps to the edge. It is like looking through a layer to some extreme mother of pearl.

I tried to get some pix of those which really showed it, and when I recover and finish crropping and sizing the photos, I will put up as many as I can.
Permit me a little sidetracking (or even better, backtracking) here while awaiting the definitive photos.


I dug into my memory?and the threads?for short-term member Virginia Hatfield's beautiful abalone pearl from last May, juxtaposed below with the pearl in question from Dr. Tom Stern. At the time, I used the term 'water' to describe the seemingly translucent edges of the ab (no doubt aided by the shape of the pearl), giving the impression of a pearl within a pearl.

As it happens, such a 'halo' quality recalls the description of 'orient' by natural pearl traders from whom I have been fortunate enough to receive mentoring?orient viewed as an exceedingly rare phenomenon distinct to the more ubiquitous quality of iridescence/peacock. As each of these characteristics is found in rare and noble pearls, a conceptual association/confusion would logically result.

The concept of water seems clear, while also a bit tied up with 'orient' and 'iridescence.' But to me, this photo of Dr. Stern's pearl simply appears to indicate a faulty and inconsistent outer nacre layer, either from peeling or ill formation. Caitlin, your obvious enthusiasm and experience must earn my benefit of the doubt!


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Hi Steve
Let me assure you that the surface of that pearl is perfect. I will try to get to the pictures I took of the pearls with clearly visible water. Tom has an enormous one, quite baroque with water. When I exclaimed about the water, he said he hadn't liked that pearl before because of that translucent quality, whiach looked almost like horn or something really organic on the back side especially. I moved the pearl around and showed him how in different views, one can see the iridescence deep in the pearl. Now he likes it. I think water may be almost pure conchilion. He did not have a really round pearl with water. That would be the ultimate jewel.
So many of the photos I took came out blurry...sigh......
Anyway here is a photo of one of the pearls with water


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Here is another. In this shot the iridescence goes to the edge in the top edge of the photo. The bottom edge is showing the trranslucence.


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